- GPS高程拟合转换正常高的研究Research of fitting and transforming GPS height into normal height
- 带状区域GPS高程拟合方法的研究The Study of GPS Interpolation in Belt Area
- GPS高程拟合中多面函数及二次曲面函数的比较与分析Compare and Analysis of GPS Height Fit by Polyhedral Function and Conicoid Function
- 曲面拟合原理在GPS高程测量中的应用Application of the Surface Fitting Principle in the Height Measurement with GPS
- 高程拟合height fitting
- GPS高程测量GPS height measurement
- 高程拟合方法研究Research on the Data Fitting Method of GPS RTK Height
- 多面函数拟合法转换GPS高程GPS Height Transformation using Hardy Function Interpolation Method
- 高程拟合方法精度研究Precision Research on the Data Fitting Method of GPS RTK Height
- 仿样[样条]拟合spline fit
- 作者还对该方法的实质进行了解析,与二次曲面拟合法相比,利用CF&NNM法转换GPS高程,其转换结果精度大约可提高20%,具有推广价值。Comparing with the conicoid fitting method (CFM)to converse GPS height, the accuracy of the transform result with the CF &NNM method canimprove 20 percent.
- 拟合云cloud model based on fitting
- 下拟合down fitting
- 圆拟合circle fitting
- 均方根拟合差root-mean-square misfit
- 波形拟合Waveform fitting
- 拟合比较analysis and comparision
- 不拟合曲线mismatched line
- 拟合劣度badness of fit
- 拟合取式quasi conjunction