- 业务网关支持节点support node of service gateway
- 移动GPRS网关GPRS gateway of Fujian Mobile Corp
- 网network
- 该网关支持TCP/IP协议,运行Web服务程序, 形成一个用户可以通过网络浏览器进行远程访问的服务器。The gateway supports TCP/IP, runs a Web Server, acts as a remote server which can be easily accessed by end user through a browser.
- 支持support
- 关(surname)
- GPRS网GPRS network
- 服务支持节点Serving GPRS Support Node TCP
- 网关gateway
- 移动支持节点Mobile support station
- 智能GPRS网关节点intelligent GGSN (IGGSN)
- GPRS支持节点Serving GPRS Support Node(SGSN)
- 基于ARM平台和GPRS网的移动心电监护仪的硬件研制The Hardware Research of ECG Mobile Monitor Based on ARM and GPRS Network
- 支持节点support node
- 分组数据支持节点PDSN Packet Data Support Node
- 半网关half-gateway
- 警报!节点交叉已禁用!内存配置不支持节点交叉。Alert! Node interleaving disabled! Memory configuration does not support Node Interleaving.
- 包网关packet gateway
- TCP网关TCP gateway
- TIS网关TIS gateway