- Intuitionistic fuzzy similarity matrix 直觉模糊相似矩阵
- Construction of Fuzzy Similar Matrix 模糊相似矩阵的构造
- A Methodology for Classification Based on Fuzzy Similar Matrix 基于模糊相似矩阵的分类方法
- Fuzzy similarity matrices 模糊相似矩阵
- fuzzy sub - similar matrix and fuzzy similar matrix were studied preliminarily,and the thir applications were given in this paper. 初步研究了模糊亚相似矩阵和模糊相似矩阵;并给出了它们的一些应用.
- fuzzy similarity matrix 模糊相似矩阵
- fuzzy similar matrix 模糊相似矩阵
- This paper proposes a fuzzy similarity method to predict epileptic seizures with electroencephalography(EEG). 本研究提出基于EEG序列模糊相似性指数方法预测癫痫发作。
- In this paper, we discussed the integrality of the methods by using the properties of similar matrices to confirm unknown elements. 摘要讨论了利用相似矩阵的性质来确定矩阵中未知元素方法的完整性。
- Similar matrices have the same characteristic polynomial , thus they have the same eigenvalues . 相似矩阵有相同的特征多项式;从而有相同的特征值.
- An interesting question is to give conditions such that trace equality of similar matrices holds for matrices over a non-commutative algebra or ring. 有趣的问题是给定一个条件使得相似矩阵的迹相等对于非交换代数或非交换环上的矩阵成立。
- Finally, a coarseness degree and an approximation accuracy of fuzzy rogh sets based on fuzzy similar relation, are defined and got some resultses. 最后定义了模糊粗糙集在模糊相似关系下的粗糙度和近似精度,并得出了一些结果。
- Based on them,a Jaccard s genetic similarity matrix and a dendrogram for the 8 plants were established using SPSS 11.5 software.Conclusion: The method revea... 结论:该方法显示了8种卷柏属植物之间明显的种间差异,以及同一种植物在不同产地产生的变异,能为这些植物种以及种下的分类鉴定提供遗传学依据。
- To deal with the uncertainty in the matching procedure, we design a fuzzy similarity measure ( FSM ) which computes the possibility function, and decides the correspondence based on it. 由于模糊相似性测度合理描述并处理了匹配过程中的不确定性因素,兼顾了 特征的局部属性与全局属性,从而大大增加了正确匹配的特征数目并提高了算法的 鲁棒性。
- Jacobi method and use a similar matrix of angular, high-equation solution to avoid problems. 并且利用Jacobi 法求解相似对角形矩阵,避免解高次方程的难题。
- The improved fuzzy similar choicemethod is introduced in this paper. The advantage this method is presented when applied to the evaluation of oil-field development program and compared with other methods. 本文介绍了改进的模糊相似选择法.;结合实例将其应用于油田开发方案评价;并为其它方法进行了对比;指出该方法的优越性
- dynamic fuzzy similarity relation 动态模糊相似关系
- Therefore,using the fuzzy similar principle and taking the fuzzy mode as appraised object,the present authors forecast the degree of coal and gas explosion by means of the predictive samp... 实例分析表明,与模糊聚类分类后、将模式与待预报样本组成新样本集合进行聚类分析并以此分类结果进行预报的方法相比,这种预报方法不仅可靠程度高,而且能定量描述待报样本与模式的亲和程度。
- weighted fuzzy similarity measure 加权模糊相似测量
- fuzzy similarity ordering analysis 模糊相似优先比分析