- fuzzy complex set 模糊复集
- Fenghua Lingtong Pneumatic Complex Set Co., Ltd. 奉化市灵通气动成套有限公司。
- The composer transformed a simple folk tune into a complex set of variations. 这位作曲家把一首简单的民歌小调改编成一首复杂的变奏曲。
- In this paper, the concepts of fuzzy complex setand fuzzy complex number are introduced and their fundamental properties are discussed. 本文引入了模糊复集合与模糊复数的基本概念,并且讨论了它们的若干基本性质。
- According to the property of large and pure lag and parameter time-varying of the cone crusher, the paper puts forward the fuzzy complex control method. 针对圆锥破碎机控制系统的大纯滞后和参数时变的特点,提出了模糊复合控制方法。
- In order to confirm each evaluation index of water sample and improve the precision of water quality rank evaluation, Fuzzy Complex Index Method(FCIM) is introduced. 为合理确定水样各评价指数的权重,提高水样水质等级的计算精度,提出了模糊综合指数法(FCIM)。
- Now you have a more complex set of tests to run against the already existing object. 现在,您要针对已经存在的对象运行更复杂的测试集。
- Chinese people's addressing also contains a very complex set of knowledge, towards this, I have experienced deeply. 中国人的称谓也包含挺复杂的学问,我对此深有体会。
- The composer transformed a simple folk tune into a complex set of variations. 这位作曲家把一首简单的民歌小调改编成一首复杂的变奏曲。
- Still, it is possible that this apparent connection could be the result of a complex set of health-related behaviors. 而且,还有种可能,这种明显的联系有可能是一系列复杂的与健康相关行为的结果。
- We can expect any sufficiently complex set of catalytic polymers to be collectively autocatalytic. 我们期望任何一组极其复杂的催化聚合体都变成集体的自身催化。”
- Evaluation on the suitability of land resource to tea in a small scalewas performed with mathematical methods such as successive regressionand fuzzy complex judgement,consulting the evaluation system of a Frame-work For Land Evaluation issued by FAO. 参照联合国粮农组织(FAO)颁布的《土地评价纲要》(A framework for land evalua-tion)的评价系统,应用回归分析和模糊综合评判等数学方法,对小区域(紫阳县尚坝乡)土地资源进行宜茶性评价。
- Land degradation is the result of the intersection of a complex set of biophysical and socio-economic factors. 我国目前证券交易所得停止课徵所得税是为配合经济发展而订定的租税优惠项目;
- This is an important part of the complex set of problems of rangeland management and livestock husbandry in Western China. 这是中国西部草原管理和畜牧业一系列复杂问题中的一个重要部分。
- As is true of any developed society,in America a complex set of cultural signals,assumptions,and conventions underlies all social interrelationships. 和任何发达社会一样确定无疑,在美国,一套复杂的文化信号、行为和风俗潜存与所有的社会关系中。
- In a vertical cluster, a complex set of manual steps must be performed to create a separate copy of Workplace Web Content Management within the secondary node. 在垂直集群中,为了在次节点上创建一个独立的Workplace Web Content Management副本,需要执行一组复杂的手工步骤。
- Research Advances in Fuzzy Complex Integration 模糊复积分理论研究进展
- Despite being a technological marvel, and the most sophisticated and complex set of fortifications built up to that time, it failed to save France from crushing defeat in 1940. 尽管它曾是那个年代的技术奇迹,同时也是那个年代最为精密和复杂的防御体系,可它并没有将法国从1940年的决定性的失败中挽回。
- fuzzy complex number-valued mapping 模糊复数值映射
- He said the terrorists are sustained by a complex set of networks and infrastructure that cannot be defeated by military operations inside Afghanistan alone. 他说,那些恐怖分子是由错综复杂的网络来支持的,光靠阿富汗境内的军事行动,是打不败他们的。