- Fuzzy synthetic method applied in assessment of storm tide disaster losses 风暴潮灾害损失评估的模糊综合方法
- A Study of Fuzzy Synthetic Method for Evaluating the Design of Wheel Box of the Hollow Wallboard Molding Machine 空心墙板成型机传动箱的模糊综合评判法
- Fuzzy Synthetic Method 模糊综合评价法
- Aim To find a new synthetic method of linezolid. 摘要目的寻找合成利奈唑酮的新工艺。
- A feasible evaluation method presented here builds an evaluation index system in the first and then an fuzzy synthetic evaluation model. 同时,给出了一种切实可行的评价方法,即先建立评价指标体系,而后建立模糊综合评判模型。
- Combining the fuzzy synthetic evaluation and AHP,we put forward a new sort of quantitative method which could evaluate the port function. 将层次分析法与模糊综合评判方法相结合,提出了一种新的定量的港口功能评价方法。
- The new synthetic method of hungchaoite has been firstly proposed. 提出使用结晶法合成章氏硼镁石的新方法。
- Fuzzy synthetical method for evaluating reservoir resettlement in terms of sustainable development 水库移民可持续发展模糊综合评价方法
- Aim To study the synthetic method for the glutaric dialdehyde. 目的研究戊二醛的新合成方法。
- Objective To improve synthetic method of Lansoprazole. 目的改进兰索拉唑的合成方法。
- OBJECTIVE To improve the synthetic method of Alendronate sodium. 摘要目的改进阿仑膦酸钠的制备方法。
- The studying on the new synthetic method means signality. 因此,研究新的合成方法具有重要实际意义。
- Objective: To modify the synthetic method of fluvoxamine. 目的:改进氟伏沙明的合成方法。
- Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation of Prediction of Coal and Gas Outburst Scale in Pingdingshan Coal Co. 平煤集团煤与瓦斯突出强度预测的模糊综合评判。
- The result of the study shows that multiplayer fuzzy synthetic evaluation model with the combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis is also a good method to select the scheme of wastewater treatment process. 研究结果表明 ,这种定量化与定性化相结合的模糊综合评判模型也是目前污水厂工艺方案选择的一种理想方法
- The multi-objective optimization design of ocean engineering structure is studied from the view of Fuzzy Synthetic Decision (FSD). 本文从模糊综合评判的角度出发,研究了海洋工程结构的多目标优化设计方法。
- Fuzzy synthetic methods 模糊综合评价方法
- Liu considers that the wide used max min algorithm on fuzzy synthetic evaluation is a wrong algorithm. 取大取小算法是模糊数学中的一个重要的方法之一,在工程应用中得到了广泛的应用。
- This paper analyzes and evaluates the process for municipal wastewater treatment plant with the method of multiplayer fuzzy synthetic evaluation model, and at last selects a comparatively more ideal treatment process. 文章运用多层次模糊综合评判模型对城市污水厂工艺方案进行了分析、评价 ,选出了相对较理想的处理工艺。
- OBJECTIVE:To improve the synthetic method of bifemelane hydrochloride. 目的:改进二苯美仑盐酸盐的合成方法。