- Fuyu oil reservoir 扶余油层
- Enhancing development efficiency in shallow heavy oil reservoir. 提高浅层稠油油藏开发效果。
- Core description of a point bar in a deep oil reservoir. 深部储油层中的曲流沙坝岩心示意图。
- The pollution sources and paths of groundwater environment during Fuyu oil field exploitation were analyzed. 分析了扶余油田开发建设过程中对地下水环境的污染来源和途径。
- Study on Plug Steam Flooding Technique for Heavy Oil Reservoir. 稠油油藏段塞蒸汽驱技术研究。
- Gas recovery from heavy oil reservoir with gas cap of Block Gao 3. 高3块气顶稠油油藏天然气采收率研究
- The Fuyu oil layer in eastern oilfields of periphery Daqing is poorly developed with lower porosity,low permeability and abundance.The effectively production has been puzzled for many years. 大庆外围东部油田开发的目的层主要为葡萄花油层和扶余油层,其中扶余油层因储层发育差,具有低孔、低渗、低丰度的特点,其未动用储量的有效开发一直是困扰油田开发的难题之一。
- The charging of a condenser from a battery is not unlike the filling of a tank from an oil reservoir. 电池给电容器充电就象油灌给油箱加油一样。
- Estimating maximum output of loose sandstone oil reservoir without controlling sand production at Minqiao oil field. 闵桥油田疏松砂岩油层在无防砂条件下最大产量估算。
- Chang 2 reservoir of Qingpingchuan oil field, located in the eastern Shanbei slope of the Erdos Basin, is a typical low penetrability oil reservoir. 摘要通过对岩石矿物、储层物性、油层敏感性和水驱油效果分析,在储层地质研究基础上,评价青平川油田长2油藏注水开发效果。
- Mian14 Area of Bamianhe Oilfield is a fault block and high-viscosity oil reservoir, with sanding formation and very different permeability. 摘要八面河油田面14区为断块稠油油藏,油层出砂,渗透率差异大。
- The oil reservoir shall act as a barrier to trap moisture and provide sufficient time for a planned shutdown in the event of an outer seal failure. 贮油器应该在外部密封失效、设备关闭的一段时间内具有防潮屏障的功能。
- Completion & cementing technique for super heavy oil reservoir of du84 fault block. 杜84块超稠油油藏完井固井工艺技术
- This paper presents the designs and operations of double staircase horizontal wells in HD1?27H thin oil reservoir. 介绍了HD1-27H薄油层双阶梯水平井的设计和施工情况。
- This equation can provide reference to heavy oil classification,fluid evaluation and heavy oil reservoir development. 应用该方程可为稠油分类、流体评价和稠油油藏开发提供可靠依据。
- It has long been known for the oil reservoir potential in the Asian Tethyan tectonic domain. 摘要特提斯域含油气性,特别是亚洲特提斯域油气聚集地质特征,举世瞩目。
- Their are three typical reservoir-forming models. i.e., updip pinchout, overlap, and fault screened oil reservoir. 以地层岩性圈闭为主,存在着上倾尖灭、地层超覆及断层遮挡岩性油气藏三种典型的油气藏成藏模式。
- Keywords well spacing;integrating;Fuyu oil field;weight; 井距;整合;扶余油田;权重;
- The fracture performance monitoring method of XS oil reservoir is pratically researched. 并从XS油藏的实际出发,研究了对裂缝的动态监测方法。
- This study provides parameters for EOR experiment of high pour point oil reservoir. 该研究可以为高凝油藏提高采收率试验提供参考。