- It is crucial for the future of China. 真正关系到大局的是这个事。
- The future of China is closely linked with that of the whole world. 中国的前途是同世界的前途紧密地联系在一起的。
- There is an article in the newspaper regarding the future of China's football. 报纸上登了一篇关于中国足球未来的文章。
- We did this to demonstrate that the future of China will depend on a new collective of leaders. 这表明,中国的未来要靠新的领导集体。
- The future of China hinges on our adhering to those policies,and we should explain that fully to the people. 坚持改革开放是决定中国命运的一招。这方面道理也要讲够。
- He was worried about the future of China and its people and hoped to awaken the Chinese people. 他怀有一种忧国忧民的意识,以图唤起中华民族的觉醒。
- And it is difficult to recall a time in the past century when the future of China held so much promise. 很难想象上个世纪的中国会像今天这样拥有如此辉煌的未来。
- Sanitary landfill is one of MSW disposal in the present and the future of China. 卫生填埋是目前及今后相当长的时期内我国城市生活垃圾(MSW)处理的主要方式。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。
- Whither (ie What is the likely future of) the shipping industry? 航运业何去何从?
- For seventy years nobody other than Lin Yutang has depicted the past and future of China in such a leisured, interesting and cheering way. 整整七十年中,仍没有人比林语堂更从容、有趣、兴致昂然的描绘了中国的过去与未来。
- October first is the National Day of China. 十月一日是中国的国庆节。
- At the same time, our statutory reserve ratio is still high (16% or 17%), the future of China's deposit reserve rate cut of more space. 同时,我国法定存款准备金率仍处高位(16%25或17%25),未来我国下调存款准备金率的空间也较大。
- It is certainly true that the political future of China looks more uncertain and alarming than that of India, Asia's other great subcontinental nation. 当然,与印度相比,中国的政治前景看上去更加扑朔迷离,也更令人担忧,两国均为亚洲庞大的次大陆国家。
- Xi'an is a city in the interior of China. 西安是一个内陆城市。
- The committee is charting out the bright future of the organization. 委员会明确规划了这个组织的美好未来。
- Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China. 北洋水师是中国最早的海军部队。
- Each of us has a stake in the future of our country. 我们国家的未来对我们每个人都有利害关系。
- He is an eminent citizen of China. 他是一个杰出的中国公民。
- What's at issue here is the whole future of the industry. 争论的焦点是这个行业总的前景。