- Furukawa Katsumi 古川胜巳(1914-),日本人,映画株式会社负责人。
- Yoshinobu ASOCAWA,Katsumi OHASHI.Automatic Vehicle Recognition by Silhouette Theroy[J].OMRON Corporation. 陈家祺.;运动图像处理在车型识别中的应用[J]
- At the beginning of the school year, Tomoya meets Nagisa Furukawa, a soft-spoken girl. 在学年一开始,朋也遇到了渚,一个柔弱的女孩。
- In Cina con un numero di imprese, principalmente impegnati in Furukawa Electric in fibra ottica di illuminazione. 在中国境内设有多个事务所,主要经营古河电工的光线光缆。
- Katsumi of Team Arai helped bring this technique stateside and is a heavy influence on the RC Drift scene. 胜队新居带来这一技术在美国和影响力是一个沉重的钢筋混凝土漂移现场。
- Furukawa T, et al. Arterial hypoxemia in patients with hepatic cirrhosis. Am J Med Sci 1984; 287:10. 喻森洋译).;肝硬变的肺部并发症
- A few days ago, the Irtysh River, Furukawa uran part of the upper and middle reaches of the tributaries have been drying up. 日前,额尔齐斯河、乌伦古河中上游的部分支流已经断流。
- While on a walk to school, he meets a strange girl named Nagisa Furukawa who is a year older, but is repeating due to illneww. 他每天去上学,但无论是上课还是课余都只是魂不守舍地发呆,终日得过且多地继续着学生生涯。
- Wei Miao, president of Dongfeng, will assume the role of chairman of the new company and Katsumi Nakamura, senior vice president of Nissan, will assume the role of president. 东风总经理苗圩将担任新公司的董事长,日产nissan常务中村克己将出任总裁一职。
- While on a walk to school, he meets a strange girl named Nagisa Furukawa who is a year older, but is repeating due to illness. 他每天去上学,但无论是上课还是课余都只是魂不守舍地发呆,终日得过且过地继续着学生生涯。
- FURUKAWA T, ISHIDA K, FUKADA E. Piezoelectric properties in thee composites systems of polymer and PZT ceramics [J]. J Appl Phys, 1979, 50(7): 4 904-4 912. 王树彬韩杰才.;压电陶瓷/聚合的复合材料的制备工艺及其性能研究进展[J]
- East Asia's obsession with blood types comes from the work of Furukawa Takeji, a Japanese doctor who nearly a century ago was sure that personality was caused by blood type. 东亚对血型的沉迷源自于日本医生古川竹二近一个世纪前的著作,他确信个性是血型造成的。
- Hiroyuki Furukawa, Tsuyoshi Shimamura, Tomomi Suzuki, Masahiko Taniguchi, Kenichiro Yamashita, Minoru Ohta, Toshiya Kamiyama, Michiaki Mastushita, Satotu Todo. 器官移植再生医学部,北海道大学医学院,札幌,北海道,日本;器官移植部,北海道大学附属医院,札幌,北海道,日本;
- Furukawa, S. and Mehregany, M., “Electroless plating of nickel on silicon for fabrication of high-aspect-ratio microstructure,” Sensors and Actuators, Vol. A, pp. 261-266, 1996. 郑俊麟,“探讨半导体金属化制程之金属钽薄膜的沉积与化学添加剂对铜沉积之影响”,硕士论文,私立中原大学化学工程研究所,桃园,第3页,2002。
- Tomonobu Senjyu Member,IEEE,Hitoshi Takara,Katsumi Uezato,and Toshihisa Funabashi,Senior Member,IEEE.One-Hour-Ahead Load Forecasting Using Neural Network 2002(1 刘秀玉.;刘峤
- Diagnostic and Remedy of Failure in Automatic Speed Regulation on Furukawa Drill Rig 古河凿岩机自动调速失败的故障分析与处理
- " Katsumi Ihara, Executive Deputy President, President of TV and Video Business Group, Sony Corp., declared so at a display-related seminar held in Tokyo on April 12. 索尼执行董事副社长、电视视频业务部部长井原胜美,在4月12日于东京市内召开的显示器相关研讨会上,发出了这样的誓言。
- 14 Kataoka H, Horie Y, Koyama R, Nakatsugi S, Furukawa M. Interaction between NSAIDs and steroid in rat stomach: safety 13傅国庆;周惠印.;影响非甾体类抗炎药胃肠粘膜损害的因素