- The fog cleared away and the full moon appeared. 雾消散了, 整个月亮出现了。
- Full Moon and the Shrine 月光圣殿
- A first-quarter moon is halfway between new moon and full moon. 上弦月是新月和满月的中间状态。
- The moon and the stars moved through the sky. 月亮和星星都在天空移动。
- Moon and the stars in the skies. 我发誓,着天上的星星月。
- The phases of the moon include the new and the full moon. 月相包括新月和满月。
- Then the full moon wanes, and the event will be over. 随着满月开始月缺,事情就结束了。
- The children learned about the relationship between the moon and the tides. 孩子们弄懂了月球与潮汐的关系。
- It was the last day of the Bengali month and the day of the full moon. 这天是孟加拉月的最后一天,并且还是满月。
- The full moon has a circular form. 满月呈圆形。
- Tom drew an hour-glass with a full moon and straw limbs to it and armed the spreading fingers with a portentous fan. 汤姆就画了个水漏或沙漏(均可作计时器用),加上一轮满月,四肢像草扎似的,硬梆梆的,张开的手指拿着一把大得可怕的扇子。
- The earth pulls the moon and the moon pulls the earth. 地球吸引月亮,月亮也吸引地球。
- Say ,the moon and the stars are very bright tonight . 瞧,今晚月亮十分明亮。
- The sun, moon and stars are heavenly bodies. 太阳、月亮和星星都是天体。
- Beasts that howl under the full moon and kill those that cross the boundaries of their territory. 在满月之下嚎叫的野兽,会杀死每一个胆敢进入他们领土的家伙。
- There was a bright moon and the weather was a trifle cold. 那是个好月夜,稍稍有点冷。
- They counted four phase s in a cycle: new moon, half moon, full moon and half moon. 他们把四个阶段算做一个周期:新月、半月、满月和半月。
- We can not see the moon and the stars in the daytime. 我们在白天看不到月亮和星星。要求学生能够听懂,并会运用。
- And I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies.I'll be there. 像星星和月亮永挂夜空一样在你身旁
- Slim snapped his reins. Dusty started down the rise. Their way was lit by a nearly full moon and a million stars. 桑姆拉了拉他的缰绳,大灰马开始走下山坡,月亮和百万颗星星成为他们在路上的照明灯。