- Fulbright grants are given to graduate students, scholars and professionals. There is also a full bright exchange program just for teachers and administrators. 富布莱特法案基金担保是给研究生,学者和教授的。还有适合于老师和管理员的交换方案。
- I had to grant the reasonableness of his argument. 我必须承认他的论点有道理。
- I supplement my grant by working in the evenings. 我除享受助学金外还打夜工以增加收入。
- He makes a grant of land to his son. 他将土地受让给他的儿子。
- Heaven grant us patience with a man in love! 天啊!请赐予我们以容忍恋爱中的男人的耐心吧。
- You can get a grant to improve your house. 你可以得到一笔拨款来修缮住房。
- Fulbright grant 富布赖特奖学金
- He grant his neighbour a licence to use his field. 他许可他的邻居使用他的一块地。
- The company does not qualify for a government grant. 这家公司没有资格要求政府补助金。
- Are you ready to grant that I was right? 你是否愿意承认我是对的?
- I grant that your explanation is reasonable. 我承认你的解释是合理的。
- William Fulbright, with Seth P.Tillman. 书名 :The price of empire /J.
- Bo Reece had a big impact on Fulbright. 波.;里斯的话对富布赖特产生了很大影响。
- Student in this country receive a grant from the government. 这个国家的学生可得到政府的助学金。
- Students in this country receive a grant from the government. 这个国家的学生可得到政府的助学金。
- The scheme is partly financed by a government grant. 此计画有一部分是政府资助的。
- I advise that they apply to the council for a home improvement grant. 我建议他们向市政会申请改善住房的贷款。
- Grant and Lee are bracketed in history. 在历史上格兰特和李两人的名字总是被一起提及的。
- The government put the skids under the plan by stopping their research grant. 政府停发研究经费让他们的计画半途而废。
- Local Fulbright committees generally nominate the students. 一般,当地的福尔布莱特协会会推荐学生(入学)。