- The results showed that the best water management pattern of Fuji apple orchard was wheat straw mulching under low annual precipitation and grass planting under high annual precipitation. 结果表明,在干旱年份,红富士苹果园水分管理模式以秸秆覆盖方式最佳,在多雨年份,红富士苹果园水分管理模式以果园种植白三叶草方式最佳;
- Fuji apple orchard 红富士苹果园
- ' Red Fuji' apple orchard 红富士苹果园
- After the storm she gather a basketful of windfall in the apple orchard. 风暴过後,她从苹果园地上拣了满满一篮子苹果。
- There is an apple orchard behind the house. 房子后面有一个苹果园。
- Last night's gale played havoc with the apple orchard. 昨夜的大风使苹果园遭受重大损害。
- She hired out to the owner of an apple orchard. 她受雇于一个苹果园主。
- The office building overlooks the apple orchard. 办公大楼俯瞰着苹果园。
- Red Delicious: King of the Apple Orchard? 红极品苹果:苹果果园之王?
- Nutrient Diagnosis and Fertmzation in Soils in Fuji Apple Orchards in Rainfed Land 旱地红富士果园土壤营养诊断和施肥
- Near the southern end of the village was a large apple orchard. 靠近村子南头是一个很大的苹果园。
- After the storm she gathered a basketful of windfalls in the apple orchard. 风暴过後,她从苹果园地上拣了满满一篮子苹果。
- Yanchi Township is holding a red Fuji apple picking festival, which will last till the end of October. 燕池镇正在举行一个红富士苹果采摘节,节日将延续至十月底。
- My uncle has an apple orchard. 我叔叔拥有一个苹果园。
- Chlorogenic acid content was distinctively higher than epicatechin in Fuji apple fruit, while epicatechin higher than chlorogenic acid in Starkrimson and Orinn fruit. 富士果实绿原酸含量显著高于表儿茶素,新红星和‘王林’表儿茶素含量显著高于绿原酸。
- The determinations of the chlorophyll content and stoma resistance of Fuji apple leaves could partly interpret this result. 叶片叶绿素含量及气孔阻力的测定结果部分解释了上述现象。
- The results showed that the seasonal changes of POD and IOD activities in the leaves of 4 dwarfing stocks were similar to that of Red Fuji apple. 结果表明,各砧木与中间砧红富士苹果叶片内POD、IOD酶活性的季节变化规律相似;
- Abstract: The fruit thinning effect of dipterex with kinetics of blossoms and fruit drop was investigated on Red Fuji apple trees. 摘 要: 研究了敌百虫对“红富士“苹果疏除效应及落花落果动态。
- Base on those reasons,preventive and control measures for the fruit peel rusts of Fuji apple miniascape should be integ... 针对以上原因,防治红富士苹果盆景果锈的发生应采取综合治理的措施。
- Apple orchards now stretch for 25000 acres. 苹果园现在己有25000英亩。