- Front side like back side 正面和背面相同
- The retraction position may be either at the front side or at the back side of the truck. 其收放位置既可在车辆的前侧,也可在车辆的后侧。
- Surfaces will appear to be their assigned color when viewed from their “front” side (blue in this case for REFL-MAIN), and the opposite color when viewed from their “back” side. 表面看来他们指定的颜色时,他们的“前”(蓝色),在这种情况下,REFL-MAIN,相反的颜色时,他们的“后退”。
- The paper set up the front side and back side of the aiguille with the method of global vectors to resolve the intersectant line of the two sides, just the main edge. 传统麻花钻锥面刃磨有4个参数,但在已知这些参数时并不能准确地确定主刃的形状及其后角。
- This is nothing like back home in Colorado. 这跟家乡科罗拉多的情况迥然不同。
- On the front side of the mobile phone there is Ferrari logo and on its back Vertu Ascent Ferrari 1947 has miniature gas pedal, which looks just like modern Ferrari pedal. 在前端的移动电话有法拉利标识和其回Vertu品牌法拉利1947年上升了微型油门,这看起来就像现代法拉利踏板。
- She stuck by Scarlett's side like a cocklebur. "我不能告诉她,"她难受地想。"
- the back side of each medallion carries the images of the emblem for the XXIX Olympiad and the sports posture of the Fuwa contained in its front side. 背面图案分别为第29届奥林匹克运动会会徽和与正面福娃相对应的福娃体育运动造型图案。
- Eject parts toward front side of the die and press. 推出的产品应该面对模具及冲床的前侧。
- Front side buckles for fastening? 背包前部两?
- There is a hole on the back side. 背面有一个洞。
- I got my own issues, you know? Like back at home, with April. 我有我自己的烦恼,你知道吗?比如,回家跟艾普丽尔在一起。
- A leaf of a book numbered only on the front side. 一张书中的一页,只在正面记有页码
- The front side of frogs is white. 青蛙的腹面是白色的。
- Many mixed teams defend side by side like regular doubles. 许多混双选手现在也采用平行站位的方法。
- It is a very expensive camera. I labeled with my English initials in yellow on the back side of it. 那是一架昂贵的像机。在像机皮套的背面,用黄色标着本人英语姓名的第一个字母。
- Then nail the bag and the front side of card board with stapler. 然后把袋子和卡板的正面用订书机钉在一起。
- Their hearts were turned back and untrue like their fathers; they were turned to one side like a twisted bow. 反倒退后,行诡诈,像他们的祖宗一样。他们改变,如同翻背的弓。
- Love mostly is double sided. dedication at front, appropriation at back side. 多数人所谓的爱,都具备两面:正面是奉献,背面是占有。