- Fresh seed yield 鲜出籽率
- The Influence of Different Pollination on Seed Yield of Cucurbita pepo L. 不同授粉技术对西葫芦制种产量的影响。
- Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Seed Yield in Xinjiang Bermudagrass. 植物生长调节剂对新疆狗牙根种子生产性能的影响。
- Also rape seed yield per area in the mix cropping system was the highest. 间作与混作处理的油菜产量在可比面积上比油菜单作产量高,其中混作产量最高。
- East Indian cereal grass whose seed yield a somewhat bitter flour, a staple in the Orient. 东印度禾谷植物其种子产出一些带有苦味的面粉,在东方大量生产。
- The benefit is 54% than grain corn considering the lower cost. Fresh seed grain and straw and cob output all more than ordinary maize from the output value. 从产值来看,鲜食玉米籽粒、秸秆和穗轴产量均高于普通玉米,产值显著高于普通玉米,加之单位面积成本低于普通玉米,因而效益增加54%25。
- The results showed that the two-line flax hybrid had significantly higher seed yield. 结果表明,亚麻杂交种和常规品种相比,具有显著产量优势。
- Effect of High Altitude Balloon Flight on Seed Yield and Fatty Acid Composition in Seed Oil of Celosia cristata L. 高空气球飞行对鸡冠花籽粒产量及籽油脂肪酸组分的影响。
- Analysis of Heterosis of Seed Yield and Its Components of Inter-varietal Cross in Brassica napus L. 甘蓝型油菜品种间籽粒产量及产量性状杂种优势分析。
- Path Coefficient Analysis between Seed Yield and Seed Yield Components of Festuca arundinacea L. 高羊茅种子产量因子与产量的通径分析。
- Fresh seeds have a fully-developed embryo and a water-permeable seed coat and endocarp, and they require >4 wk to germinate in a warm temperature regime. 新鲜种子具有发育完全的胚,以及水分可通透的种皮和内果皮,但它们却需要4周以上时间才开始发芽。
- Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis between Seed Yield Components and Seed Yield on Bromus inermis L. 无芒雀麦种子产量因子与产量的相关和通径分析。
- Every morning after breakfast I prepared his bath, made his cage clean and sweet, filled his cups with fresh seed and water from the well-house, and hung a spray of chickweed in his swing. 每天早上,在早餐后,我会给它梳洗,会把鸟笼整理得清新干净,会在食杯和水杯里填满新鲜种籽和水井房取来的水,然后在它的摇摆悬挂上垂吊一枝繁缕鹅肠草花。
- East Indian tree with oily seeds yield chaulmoogra oil used to treat leprosy. 东印度的一种树,种子含油,可产大风子油,用于医治麻风。
- Bolman has studied regional variation in Douglas fir seed yields. 鲍尔曼曾研究过道格拉斯冷杉种子产量地区间的差异。
- Study on Seed Yield and Quality Character of Lucerne under Different Environment Conditions. 不同环境条件下紫花苜蓿种子产量及质量性状的研究。
- These characters also caused seed yield of have greater correlation genetic gain (CGS y). 而且这些性状对籽粒产量有较大的相关遗传进度(CGs' y)。
- The fresh seeds (true seed with endocarp) of Viburnum odoratissimum have dormancy, with their uneven germination lasting for approximately 6 months. 摘要珊瑚树种子(真实种子加内果皮)具有休眠性,新鲜种子即播后发芽不整齐且需时甚长(约需6个月)。
- Fresh seeds of Elaeocarpus sylvestris and Elaeocarpus multiflorus usually germinate poorly. 摘要杜英和繁花薯豆的新鲜种子通常发芽困难。
- Note: The efficiency of branching presents the seed yield of every brachn account for percentage of the total yield. 注:分枝效率为各分枝籽粒产量占群体产量的百分比(%25)。