- Frequency Asked Question(FAQ) 常问问答系统
- Practical guidance is also given by relevant Frequently Asked Questions FAQs and Tips that are highlighted and hyperlinked in various sections of this Guide. 此外,本指引已在各分节加入适当的常见问题及要诀,作为实用指引的资料。
- Frequently asked questions faq and transformation of newly built residential district heating 新建住宅小区供暖常见问题及改造
- When I asked questions, they answered up in chorus. 我提问题时,他们迅速齐声回答。
- How to ask question? How to keep a conversation? 怎样问问题,怎样进行谈话?
- Ask question and have participant explain. 提问,并请回答者解讲其内容。
- FAQ(Frequently Asked Question) is widely used on the Internet, but most FAQ?s asking and answering were not automatic. FAQ(Frequently Asked Question)在互联网站上广泛使用;但绝大多数FAQ的检索与回复都是手工进行.
- This paper discusses the formation mechanism of the FAQ(Frequently Asked Question)in the intelligent answer question system of remote teaching system. This mechanism can help the intelligence and adaptation of web-based remote teaching system. 讨论了远程教学系统中智能答疑系统的FAQ(FrequentlyAskedQuestion)的形成机制;此机制有利于实现基于WEB的远程教学系统的智能性和自适应性.
- Ask question: what kind of inquiry can MC manager answer? 提问公关部经理应回答什么样的问询。
- Pupils crowded round (their teacher) to ask questions. 小学生围著(老师)提问题。
- Don't be afraid of asking questions. 不要怕提问题。
- frequency asked questions list 常见问题列表
- If a coy is curious, he is always asking question. 一个好奇的孩子总是要不断地提出问题。
- FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about this site and distributed computing projects. 一些有关本网站和分布式计算项目的常见问题解答。
- His presence inhibit me from asking question. 他的在场使我怯于提问。
- His presence inhibited me from asking question. 他的在场使我怯于提问。
- frequency asked questions 经常提出的问题
- Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Office Excel 2007 on this page. 在此页中可找到关于Office Excel 2007的常见问题(FAQ)的答案。
- Why are you forever asking questions? 你怎麽老是问问题?
- You shall not be above asking question. 君子不耻下问。