- On French Loan Words in English 英语中的法语借词探讨
- French Loan Words in English 浅谈英语中的法语借词
- French loan words 法语借词
- Loan words in Japanese are phonetically translated loan words. 摘要日本语外来语是音译借用语。
- V only used to transliterate loan word, minority language and localism. 只用来拼写外来语、少数民族语言和方言。
- In Kazakh language,we can find the loan words of Chinese,Arabic?Percian and Russian languages. 哈萨克语中也有汉语、阿拉伯-波斯语、俄语等语言借词。
- French loans with the anglicized morphology keep their roots unchanged onl... 英语词形同化的法语借词词根不变,而是在词尾、词中等位置局部改变法语词形。
- This thesis chooses the Pali loan words, which the author collected from Dai dictionaries, Dai written material and own fieldwork as the main object of its research. 本文是笔者以傣语词典、傣文文献、田野调查中收集到的巴利语借词为主要研究对象,在吸收前人研究成果的基础上系统地论述了巴利语借词的结构类型和特点,借词与傣语的整合,巴利语借词对傣语词汇的影响;
- Sino-Vietnamese also call it up Chinese loan words in Vietnamese a half Modern Vietnamese vocabuarary.Sino-Vietnamese and Mandrin Chinese all modifile from middle Chinese. 现代汉语和汉越音都是由中古汉语演变而来,语音变化总规律,两者之间必定存在语音对应关系。
- The third chapter mainly describes the vocabulary features of the documents and makes exploration to the dialect vocabulary, loan words, vulgarism and proverbs. 第三章主要描写了该文献的词汇特点,对方言词汇、借词和俗语、谚语等进行了释解。
- CT is the shortened for for "computerized axial temography", and adopted as it is in the Chinese usage, having become a loan word in the Chinese lexical system. CT是“电子计算机断层扫描”的英文缩写,现已被汉语连形带音带义借用,成为现代汉语词汇系统中的一个外来词。
- Owing to the anglicization for pronunciation and morphology,French loans have been provided with the English vocabulary features. 法语借词通过英语读音和词形同化而具备了英语词汇的读音和词形特征。
- French loans with the anglicized pronunciation present two cases,belonging in English phonetics and also inheriting French phonetics. 英语读音同化法语借词呈现两种状态:英语读音体系的归属与法语发音方式的遗存;
- Pali language, which is closely interrelated with Hinayana Buddhism entered with the Buddhist mission Dai language, thus the waves of Buddhist culture left many Pali (Sanskrit) loan words in Dai language. 与南传佛教密切相关的巴利语随着佛教的传播而进入傣语,所以佛教文化浪潮在傣语中留下了不少巴利语、梵语借词。
- The rules for anglicizing French loans are analyzed in accordance with the anglicization of pronunciation and morphology,which is based on the concepts for aliens and denizens. 依据非同化和同化概念细化的英语读音和词形同化方式,分析法语借词英语读音和词形同化的规律。
- It is important that how to understand and how to make a standard in modern time.This disquisition tries to discuss the principles of the loan words’ standardization from the situation of its use. 既然人家外国人都能根据汉语特点来翻译自己的词汇以适应国人习惯,为什么我们自己却要放弃自身优美的语言而胡乱翻译使用别人的语言呢?
- The thesis tries to adjust the attitudes to the original words, the transliterating words and partial-tone words which enter into the Chinese Cyber language System as the loan words. 端正人们对待英语中大量的原词、音译词和谐音词作为外来语进入汉语网络语言系统的态度;
- These words were borrowed from French. 这几个字是从法语引进的。
- This French word has become naturalized in English. 这一法文字已被英文采纳。
- She ordered a hamburger and French fries. 她叫了一客汉堡包和炸薯条。