- Marcelo Salas wants Juventus to grant him a free transfer. 马塞洛?萨拉斯希望尤文图斯给予他自由转会。
- We gave a free transfer to Kevin Moran, Frank Stapleton and Mick Duxbury. 我们让凯文.;莫兰,弗兰克
- The LRT provides free transfer from one route to another within the same fare zone and with connecting feeder buses. 轻铁提供免费接驳巴士服务,乘客也可免费转乘同一收费区内不同路线的轻铁列车。
- They're all what we call free transfers. 他们是我们称之为的“自由转会者”。
- Wigan Athletic have sealed the signing of Rennes defender Mario Melchiot on a free transfer. 维根竞技免费签约了雷恩后卫马里奥.;梅尔奇奥特。
- Igor Tudor has completed his return to Hajduk Split on a free transfer from Juventus. 图多尔完成了到哈伊杜克的自由转会。
- Crespo moved to Internazionale last summer on a two-year deal after Chelsea let him leave on a free transfer. 克雷斯波于去年夏天在切尔西准许他免费转会后,以一份为期两年的协议加盟了国际米兰。
- Liam Miller has joined Sunderland on a free transfer and has signed a three year contract at the Stadium of Light. 米勒尔自由转会,与桑德兰签订了三年合约。
- The Croatian defender was very harsh against his former side who just let him go on a free transfer this summer following 8 years with the Bianconeri. 克罗地亚后卫在跟随尤文8年,并在今夏被允许免费转会后,对老东家的评价却非常刻薄。
- Liverpool have confirmed the signing of Brazilian youngster Vitor Flora on a free transfer. 利物浦官方确认免费签下了巴西年轻球员维托弗洛拉。
- Milan have announced that Johann Vogel is joining the club on a free transfer from PSV Eindhoven. 米兰宣布了沃格尔以自由转会的方式从PSV埃因霍温加盟球队。
- The other major arrival this summer was the free transfer of Mathieu Flamini after his contract at Arsenal expired. 米兰今夏收获的另外一名重要新援就是从阿森纳自由转会而来的弗拉米尼。
- Flora, 18, joined Liverpool last September on a free transfer from Botafogo Futebol Club. 今年只有18岁的弗洛拉是利物浦在去年的9月从博塔弗戈免费签下的。
- The shares are freely transferable. 股份可以自由转让。
- Juventus will purportedly allow the midfielder to leave on a free transfer following 11 years' service in Turin. 据报道,尤文方面已经同意这名已经为球队服务11年之久的老臣自由转会。
- The Croatian international arrives at Dortmund on a free transfer after his contract came to an end at Juve. 这位克罗地亚国脚会在尤文终止合同以后,以自由球员的身份加盟多特蒙德。
- For minimum 3 nights stay, one way free transfer from Kayseri Airport is offered. 儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。所有的6岁以下的儿童在使用现有的床铺之下不需付费。
- He follows the Swiss international Philipp Degen, who has joined on a free transfer from Borussia Dortmund. 早些时候瑞士国脚德根也从多特蒙德自由转会而来。
- Liverpool Football Club this afternoon announced the signing of Maxi Rodriguez on a free transfer from Atletico Madrid. 今天下午利物浦俱乐部宣布签下来自马德里竞技自由转会而来的罗德里格斯。
- Milan are reportedly keen on Monaco striker Marco Di Vaio, who could join the Rossoneri on a free transfer. 据报道米兰对于摩纳哥俱乐部的射手迪瓦约有兴趣,他可能以自由球员的身份加盟米兰。