- I love computers, and I am a firm supporter of free software movement. 我喜欢计算机,而且是自由软件运动的支持者。
- Other proponents flatly rejected the free software movement's ethical and social values. 其他支持者甚至断然否定自由软件运动的道德和社会价值观。
- Some try to disparage the free software movement by comparing our disagreement with open source to the disagreements of those radical groups. 有些人试图把我们和开源之间的分歧比作这些激进组织之间的分歧,以此来诋毁自由软件运动。
- As a result, people from the free software movement and the open source camp often work together on practical projects such as software development. 结果,来自自由软件运动和开源阵营的人们经常在一些诸如软件开发的实际项目中协同工作。
- This assumption may have seemed plausible, before the free software movement demonstrated that we can make plenty of useful software without putting chains on it. 这个假设在自由软件运动证明我们能够不必被其束缚而制造丰富的有用软件之前,也许看起来象是似是而非。
- Practical Criticism of Free Software Movement on Proprietary Software System 自由软件运动对软件私权体制的实践批判
- Free for All: How Linux and the Free Software Movement Undercut the High-Tech Titans 与自由软件运动对抗软件巨人的故事
- The Free Software Movement and the Deepening of the Basic Contradiction in Contemporary Capitalism 从自由软件运动看当代资本主义基本矛盾的深化
- How to run a successful free software project? 如何运转一个成功的自由软件项目?
- Freebie Notes Download free software. 立即软件下载。
- Freeware Files - Free Software Downloads. 免费软件下载站点。
- V free software, free download, free of charge. v免费软件、免费下载、免费使用。
- Does not require any fees known as free software. 不需要任何费用的叫免费软件。
- Free Software is not freeware, and not shareware. 自由软体不是指它就是免费软体或可以共享的软体.
- GPL clause is concessional sell free software. GPL条款容许销售自由软件。
- It is usually used as a synonym for Free Software. 它通常是自由软件的同义词。
- Free Software Movement 自由软件运动
- source movement and free software movement, I think both Linus Torvalds and Riachard Stallman will be very happy, and China shall get a chance on further grow its own software industry. 如果这是真的为广泛散布谣言,这是一个胜利,开源运动和自由软件运动红旗linux,我认为这两个Linus Torvalds与Riachard斯托尔曼将非常高兴,中方将有机会进一步扩大自己的软件产业。
- I want to download some free software from the net. Is it possible? 我想从网上下载一些免费软件,可以吗?
- The open source movement originated in 1984 when computer scientist Richard Stailman quit his job at MIT and set up the Free Software Foundation. 开放源代码运动发端于1984年,当时计算机科学家理查德·斯托曼辞去在麻省理工学院的工作,成立了自由软件基金。