- Francois Mathy 马蒂
- Francois Mitterrand renovated the Louvre. 密特朗整修罗浮宫。
- Francois leashed them and brought them on deck. 福楼沙用皮带拴住他们,把他们带上了甲板。
- "Dat Buck two devils," was Francois's rejoinder. “巴克抵得上两个恶鬼哩。”
- Francois leashed the dogs and took them outside. 弗朗索瓦斯用绳子拴出狗,把他们带出船舱。
- And that was the last of Francois and Perrault. 这是巴克跟福楼沙和波瑞特的最后一面。
- Mullis, Francois Ferre, Richard A.Gibbs, J.d. 放大图片 创作者: Kary B.
- Piano poet Frederic Francois Chopin combined them perfectly . 钢琴诗人肖邦却将两者完美地结合在一起。
- Pteridophytes in the Yezhong Francois Monkey Natural Reserve. 六盘水野钟黑叶猴自然保护区蕨类植物.
- Francois Brunelle started taking pictures of lookalike in 2000. 有些人看起来长得很像,但他们并不是一家人。
- Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet) once talked about it. 伏尔泰亦曾谈到过它。
- Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet)once talked about it. 伏尔泰亦曾谈到过它。
- When Francois' casket is gradually lowered, Roch swears to revenge his friend. 罗兹发誓要为亡友报仇雪恨。
- Francois unfastened Sol-leks's traces and put him back in his old place. 福楼沙解开索勒克斯的缰绳,把他安置到他原来的位置。
- Ubersetzungen, Walo von Fellenberg, Francois Grundbacher, Annemarie Hurlimann]. 作者声明: [Katalog, Marianne Matta, Toni Stooss ;
- The composer and pianist Frederic Francois Chopin was born near Warsaw, Poland, in 1810. 作曲家和钢琴家弗雷德里克·弗朗克伊斯·肖邦于1810年生于波兰华沙附近。
- Francois was obdurate, but when he turned his back, Buck again displaced Sol-leks, who was not at all unwilling to go. 福楼沙仍固执已见,可他一转身,巴克又代替了索勒克斯,而后者也很乐意走开。
- The composer and pianist Frederic Francois Chopin was born near Warsaw,Poland,in 1810. 作曲家和钢琴家弗雷德里克·弗朗克伊斯·肖邦于1810年生于波兰华沙附近。
- It was also signed by General Ivan Susloparov of the Soviet Union and by General Francois Sesez for France. 伊万·索斯洛帕罗夫将军和弗朗索瓦·塞书茨将军分别代表苏联和法国也在受降书上签了字。
- Later on, after Mr Francois had died, his widow had apparently insisted she should carry on getting a higher pension. 后来,弗朗克西斯故去后,其遗孀显然坚持是要继续拿到更高的抚恤金。