- Framework sand bodies 骨架砂体
- These elongate sand bodies are attached to a bulge of the mainland. 这些长条形砂体连接于主陆的突出部位。
- These elongate sand bodies are attached to a bulge of the mainland . 日本诸岛伸展在大陆附近两千英里的海洋上。
- In order to build u p a rational sand body framework model based on information in existence, the au thors adopt a method combining ground and underground data. 在实例中的克拉研究区只有4口井,井距最大几十公里,应用上述方法,先作野外调查,对不同岩石相赋于不同的宽厚比;
- The following examples of oil and gas fields in distributary and delta-fringe sand bodies range in age from Late Paleozoic to Middle Cenozoic. 下面所列举的是分布于分流和三角洲前绿砂体的油气田的例子,在地质时代上从晚古生代至中新生代。
- The complex of sand bodies developed in a cyclical sequence of off-lapping sedimentary beds. 砂岩复合体发育于退覆沉积层的旋回层内。
- The complex of sand bodies developed in a cyclical sequence of off-lappings edimentary beds. 砂岩复合体发育于退覆沉积层的旋回层内。
- Prograding bar-finger sand bodies are over-ridden by distributary channels as the shoreline retreats. 当海岸线后退时,向海推进的指状沙坝被分流河道所覆盖。
- Both sand bodies may have superficial resemblances in that both are narrow, linear, and deposited by a river. 两种砂岩体在表面上有相似性,如它们都是河流沉积的狭窄的线状砂体。
- Major reservoir is sand bodies of subaquatic distributary channels in delta fronts. 沉积相是最主要的因素,三角洲前缘水下分流河道砂体是主要的储集体。
- This paper constructs a “single-reservoir spatial distributive framework within series of strata” using evaluation pattern according to structural hierarchy, and predicts the single sand body. 用评价井网按结构层次建立“层系内单储层空间分布格架”,并预测单砂体;
- The results show that the sand bodies of highstand and lowstand are favorable explore targets in Qinan depression. 结果表明:该区隐蔽油气藏的有利勘探目标主要是歧南凹陷的低位域和高位域砂体。
- Finally, single sand bodies were correlated by using model, lithology and thickness ratio. 最后利用模型以及岩性和厚度比例对比单砂层。
- It is more reasonable that the boundary of Es3 and Es4 in Huimin depression lies in the top of Panne sand bodies. 且认为惠民凹陷沙三段与沙四段的分界线位于盘河砂体的顶部合理,区域上也具有良好的对比性。
- This type of sand body is characterized by a cylinderical self-potential curve. 这种砂体以呈圆筒状自然电位曲线为其特征。
- Their interpretation of the original shape of the sand body is suspect. 他们对砂岩体原始形态的解释是靠不住的。
- Multi-set of fan-delta, distributary channel and delta-front sand bodies of Jurassic and Cretaceous are favorible reservoirs. 其中,侏罗系储集砂体的孔渗条件较差,白垩系砂体的孔渗条件较好。
- Individual sand bodies, filling erosional features cut by a river, may be elongate or arcuate depending on the course of the river. 充填在河流切割形成的侵蚀地貌中的各个砂体,在形状上可以是伸长状的或弓形的,这要决定于河流的河边。
- Introduced is a method for predicting sedimental sand body with fluvial facies. 介绍一种河流相沉积砂体预测方法。
- The distribution of flow units are mainly affected by microfacies of sand body. 流动单元的分布主要受控于微相砂体的分布;