- Internal fixation of fracture of collar bone with Kirschner wire in 108 cases 克氏针内固定治疗锁骨骨折108例体会
- Fracture of collar bone 锁骨骨折
- Middle part of collar bone fracture 锁骨中段骨折
- What size of collar is this shirt? 这衬衣领子的尺寸是多少?
- You'll be treated for a fracture of the bone. 你因骨折需要治疗。
- The fracture of his left leg is very serious. 他的左腿骨折情况很严重。
- You will be treated for a fracture of the bone. 你的骨折需要治疗。
- Bill has been out of collar since last autumn. 比尔从去年秋天起就失业了。
- What size of collar is this shirt ? 这衬衣领子的尺寸是多少?
- Fracture of the leg can be very serious in old people. 老年人腿骨骨折有可能成为严重疾患。
- Surgical fracture of a bone,performed to correct a deformity. 折骨术为矫正畸形而进行的医学骨折。
- Surgical fracture of a bone, performed to correct a deformity. 折骨术为矫正畸形而进行的医学骨折
- Fracture of any part of the body can be very serious in old people. 老年人身体的任何部位发生骨折都有可能成为严重疾患。
- The X-ray reveals a fracture of his right femur. X光片显示他的右髋骨骨折。
- The X-ray shows a fracture of your left femur. X线片显示左股骨骨折。
- Open reduction for fracture of toes and fingers. 指、趾骨骨折开放性复位术。
- Fatigue Fracture of Tibia in School Age Children. 学龄期儿童胫骨疲劳性骨折
- The area affected by the Vit for my husband is on his adams apple on the neck and two big ones on his collar bone . 我们是印第安后裔;他皮肤很白净;日晒的时候也没特别容易晒伤.;所以大家可以放心尝试日晒;直到找到自己的合适方式
- This what treats fracture of old people hipbone? 老年人胯骨骨折该什么治疗?
- Juliana's collar bone was broken, one knee wasbadly hurt and she had deep cuts on her arms and legs. 朱莉安娜的锁骨断了,一个膝盖严重损伤,手臂和腿上有很深的割伤。