- Forward Support Point 前方支援站
- Give the Interactive Ads a Supporting Point. 给网络广告一个支点。
- Forward support bolt combined with roop rock by bolting can play a roll of combined beam,which can prevent roof rock caving immediately after explosion. 超前支护锚杆锚固后与顶板岩石构成一体,这样使超前锚杆形成组合梁作用,放炮后,能够阻止顶板岩石冒落。
- Two of the pillars are situated on the covered inner courtyard of the firehouse, while the third is located beside an external support point and consists of a panoramic lift shaft. 两个支柱位于盖内院的消防站,而第三个是位于旁边的外部支持,并包括一个全景升降机槽。
- Throughout the battle area, did not find any significant defense support points, such as: Canyon. 在整个作战区域,没有发现任何重要的防御支撑点,比如:峡谷。
- For building bottom, it shall take distance from top surface of floorslab to lower supporting point of member. 会员不能向其代理、委托人、员工、授权代表、经销商之外的任何第三方泄漏翻译文件内容,本网站保留诉诸法律的权利。
- Liebherr-Aerospace manages service and sales support points in Saline (USA), Montreal (Canada), Shanghai (People's Republic of China) and Singapore. 在Saline(美国),蒙特利尔(加拿大),上海(中国)和新家坡有服务和销售的支援网点。
- When removing forms, never use concrete edge/corner as supporting point for crowbar. Carefully protect concrete edges/corners from being hit by forms. 拆模时撬棍不能以混凝土棱角为支点,要严防模板撞坏混凝土棱角。
- The flail segment of chest wall was marked after admission, and the adjacent un-fractured ribs were chosen as supporting point for external fixation. 入院后首先用划线笔对胸壁的浮动范围作好标记,确定无骨折的肋骨作为支撑点;
- Supporting point (to be elaborated on): Names of some of these organizations, uniformed CCA groups and their activities. 支点(将详细阐述) :姓名其中一些组织,穿制服的共同国家评估组和他们的活动。
- Decomposition Forward Support Vector Machine (DFSVM) 分解向前支持向量机
- Seal gaskets are closed in the support points of plates resist high press fluid impact, and prevent leak out of fluids.Twice gelatinize technology make gasket firm connected. 处于板片有力支撑点包围中的密封垫片,能承受较大的流体冲击,不会泄漏,两次涂胶工艺保证了密封垫片牢固粘接。
- Clearly, the right thing to do was (1) hack SMTP forwarding support into the generic driver, (2) make it the default mode, and (3) eventually throw out all the other delivery modes, especially the deliver-to-file and deliver-to-standard-output options. 显然,正确的路子是(1)把SMTP转发支持加入到通用驱动里去,(2)把它设置为默认模式,(3)最终把其它的传递模式都去掉,尤其是传递到文件和标准输出的模式。
- NSSP Network Service Support Point 网络业务支持点
- My foot caught in a creeper and I pitched forward. 藤蔓缠住我的脚,使我向前倒下。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- Seal gaskets are closed in the support points of plates resist high press fluid impact,and prevent leak out of fluids.Twice gelatinize technology make gasket firm connected. 处于板片有力支撑点包围中的密封垫片,能承受较大的流体冲击,不会泄漏,两次涂胶工艺保证了密封垫片牢固粘接。
- We look forward to the return of spring. 我们期待着春天的到来。
- A circular model with an inward fixed flange was used for the support points, with a general shear force introduced to realize the constraint conditions at the hinges. 利用内边缘嵌固圆盘模型修正了支承点处的方程,并使用等效剪力实现了板边缘的位移协调条件。
- Many activists have come forward. 涌现了大批积极分子。