- The essential theory about chip deformation and curls in metal cutting is discussed, the formation mechanics of different chip types between plastic metal and fragile metal is analyzed, and the basic principles of chip shape control are presented. 论述了金属切削过程中切屑变形与卷曲的基本原理 ,分析了塑性金属与脆性金属切屑的不同形成机理 ,提出了控制切屑形状的基本原则
- Formation mechanism of sintering cemented carbide pockmarks is studi ed. 研究了硬质合金烧结麻面的形成机理。
- The paper involves the formation mechanism of the strength of quicklime ... 论文探讨了搅拌生石灰桩强度形成机理,公路软基处理的有效性及适用条件。
- In order to enlarge the field of oil and gas exploration and seek more resources, this paper analyzes the geodynamic condition and basin formation mechanics of Xinganling basin group. 为扩大油气勘探领域,寻找更多的油气后备资源,对兴安岭盆地群的地球动力学条件和成盆机制,做了简要的理论分析。
- The mechanic property, microstructures, formation mechanics and deform behavior of magnesium alloy with novel long-period stacking order structure are described in detail. 重点阐述了新型长周期堆垛有序结构镁合金的力学性能、微观组织、形成机理及强化机制;
- It's useful for the study of traffic control optimizationand shockwave formation mechanism. 这为交通控制优化、车流波形成机理的研究提供了基础。
- Formation Mechanism of the Simulated SPCZ and Baiu Front Using a Regional Climate Model. 用区域气候模式模拟。
- The formation mechanism of polymer solid alloy and the theoretical on mechanical alloying and mechanochemical principles. 以机械合金和力化学原理为基础,讨论了高分子固体合金的形成机理和合金化过程的理论模型。
- The formation mechanism of the secondary PD and cyto-mictic channel are discussed in the present paper. 文章讨论了细胞发育过程中次生胞间连丝与细胞融合道形成的机理及其相互联系。
- This paper introduces formation mechanism of overdamp layer and analyzes the effect on sintering process. 介绍过湿层形成机理,分析过湿层对烧结工艺过程的影响。
- A model and opinion of formation mechanism of the amor-phous Ni-P alloy have been presented. 进而,对Ni-P合金非晶态的形成机制,提出相应的模式和观点。
- This paper discussed the formation mechanism and influencing factors of struvite. 摘要论述了鸟粪石的形成机理、形成的影响因素。
- The formation mechanism, production technology and feedstock selection of needle coke were discussed. 摘要主要探讨了针状焦的生产原理、生产技术及相应的原料选择。
- A review was given of AAO, with characterization model, fabrication, formation mechanisms and applications. 本文综述了AAO的结构模型、制备方法、形成机理及其应用热点。
- The formation mechanism of Dichloropropanol was discussed in detail in this paper. 该文对水解蛋白质调味液中的氯丙醇形成机理进行了详细讨论。
- Furthermore,the interactions among these variables as well as their formation mechanism are discussed with emp... 最后就对外汉语教学“立体化”进行了若干思考。
- The formation mechanism of equiaxed grains and micro cavities during spray forming process are discussed. 分析了等轴晶组织和显微孔洞在喷射成形中生成的机制。
- The frequency of widely separated brown dwarf binaries is another test of the formation mechanism. 宽距的双棕矮星系统出现频率,是对形成机制的另一项测试。
- The book has been styled in a modern format. 该书已按照现代版式制作。