- I hauled off and hit the other boy in the nose. 我出手打了另一个男孩的鼻子。
- If there is a foreign object in the wound, pressure has to be applied alongside it. 如果在伤口处有一个外来的物体,那么就应该在物体旁边按压。
- I'd like to sock that arrogant slob in the nose. 我真想给那自傲自大的冒失鬼的鼻子上揍上一拳。
- I'd like to pop him one in the nose. 我真想在他的鼻子上轻轻地给他一下!
- Foreign object in the nose 鼻子进异物
- If you say that again, I'll punch you in the nose! 如果你再那样说, 我就在你鼻子上捣一拳。
- In the nose and mouth: tropical fruit.Ripens late. 嗅觉和口感:热带水果,晚熟。
- The man socked the cheat in the nose. 那男子用拳头狠揍骗子的鼻子。
- Representing the root object in the object graph. 表示对象图中的根对象的。
- Radar is used to detect objects in the air or at sea. 雷达被用来探测空中或海上的目标。
- I feel an irritation as if there are foreign objects in my eyes. 我眼睛怪怪的,觉得不舒服,好像有异物在眼睛里。
- Amalthea is the reddest object in the solar system. 木卫五是太阳系中最红的物体。
- The Weirdest Object in the Solar System? 太阳系中最神秘的天体?
- Clinical analysis of foreign objects in oral-maxillofacial region. 口腔颌面部异物临床分析
- Access objects in the same order. 按同一顺序访问对象。
- Assign variables to objects in the template. 分配的对象变量在模板中。
- Except for the sun,the moon looks the biggest object in the sky. 除太阳以外,月亮是天空中看起来最大的物体。
- Gets or sets the role of the source object in the relationship. 获取或设置源对象在关系中扮演的角色。
- Check inside the mouth for any foreign object. 检查口腔内有无异物。
- The numerical index of the object in the collection. 集合中对象的数字索引。