- You can't fully appreciate foreign literature in translation. 看翻译作品很难欣赏到外国文学的精髓。
- You can't really appreciate foreign literature in translation. 看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。
- Appreciation and Criticism of Foreign Literature II. 外国文学欣赏与批评2。
- Foreign literature and painting were slowlyfiltering in. 外国文学和绘画作品慢慢传入。
- Foreign literature and painting were slowly filtering in. 外国文学和绘画作品慢慢传入。
- Zhang Guofeng. A visit to Jrgen Habermas. Foreign Literature Review, 2000(1). 章国锋.;哈贝马斯访谈录[J]
- Finally, also discussed China Foreign Literature Studies, and is this an academic tradition of the modern paradox. 本文最后还讨论了中国文学研究的异域影响,以及此一学术传统中的现代悖论。
- Foreign literature on intercultural competence is reviewed from connation, structure, evaluation and cultivation aspect. 跨文化能力已成为当今学术界与实业界共同关注的热点。
- Because of the blind acceptance of the foreign literature views and writing skills, some writings appear europeanization tendency in language. 但由于当时对外来文学观念、创作手法的不加选择的吸收,作品出现语言上的欧化倾向。
- It has been reported in foreign literature that the A 1 allele of the Taq I polymorphism of the dopamine D 2 receptor gene(DRD 2)was related to ADHD. 国外近年由于分子生物学方法的介入,发现多巴胺D2受体TaqIA1等位基因与本病相关。
- The simulation results are in accordance with the characteristics of the radiated noise at near distance in the foreign literature,which thus ... 仿真结果与国外文献提供的船舶水下辐射噪声近场特性吻合,验证了所建模型的正确性。
- Maternity is a lofty, great word.Domestic and foreign literature from old era to today has almost all described the maternity with praise and laud. 母性,是一个崇高、神圣的词,古今中外的文学作品对母性的描写几乎都是赞扬与歌颂的。
- Peng Jiahuang"s creation, as that of many other writers of his time, was influenced by foreign literature, especially the Russian writer Chekhov. 彭家煌的创作,同他那个时代的许多作家一样,都受到外国文学的影响,特别是俄国作家契诃夫的影响。
- The second part reveals the complex correspondency between three Chinese writers and the influence of the foreign literature. 在影响裂变的深处,既体现了外国文学影响的复杂性与微妙性,也体现出了中国作家在接受外国文学影响上的选择性与综合性。
- Regarding it as a special form of literary criticism , my thesis studies thoroughly Chinese foreign literary history to find out the Chinese reception of foreign literature. 并通过对不同时期的外国文学史教材中具体作家、思潮、流派的评介的研究,探究其中反映的我国对外国文学思想的接受。
- As a source, we can find the clear humanism moulage from Baixian-yong’s personal life experience, religious emotion and the influence over Chinese and foreign literature legacy. 就源头来看,从白先勇的个人身世经历、宗教情感以及所受的中外文学遗产的影响诸方面可以发现其小说创作中人道主义的清晰印痕。
- Chen Zhongyi is the Director of the Foreign Literature Research Institute of China Academy of Social Science.He studied at the national University of Mexico. 外国文学研究所所长,毕业于墨西哥国立自治大学,国内最早开始引进拉美文学作品的翻译家之一。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- From December 2006 to February 2007, during his visit as a visiting scholar in the United States, Professor Nie Zhenzhao, chief editor of Foreign Literature Studies, Central China Normal University, interviewed Professor Bernstein via Email. 华中师范大学《外国文学研究》主编聂珍钊教授在访美期间从2006年12月到2007年2月以电子邮件的形式对伯恩斯坦教授进行了访谈。
- It can be envisaged that the Chinese studies on foreign literature will have a leap in the following five to ten years and produce a considerable influence in the international academic circles. 展望中国的外国文学研究事业在五到十年之内将会有一个跳跃性进步,并将会在国际学术界形成相当程度的影响。