- The main impediment to development is the country's huge foreign debt. 发展的主要障碍是国家欠下的巨额外债。
- The State shall implement a foreign debt registration system. 第二十四条国家对外债实行登记制度。
- Sao Tome has also said it is seeking a pardon for its US$300 million foreign debt. 圣普还说,希望能够减免其3亿美元的外债。
- That Caribbean republic defaulted on its foreign debt of $32,000,000 after prolonged civil war. 那个加勒比地区共和国在长期内战之后,未能偿还它的三千二百万美元外债。
- Robert Rubin called an urgent meeting at the Treasury. Mexico was about to default on its foreign debt. 罗伯特鲁宾召集了财政部紧急会议。墨西哥将要拖欠外债。
- Similarly, mainland insurers have also been allowed to invest in foreign debt and money market instruments. 与此同时,内地保险公司亦可投资于外国债务及货币市场工具。
- Some countries have also accumulated arsenals of foreign-exchange reserves and so worry less about their foreign debt. 一些国家还积累了大量的外汇储备,因此其对外债的担心也减少了。
- Ecuadorsays it has formally defaulted on a foreign debt payment three days after it warned that it intended to do so. 在三天前,尼瓜多尔警告道他们将打算拖延外债,但今天尼瓜多尔已就此正式发表声明。
- The increase of short-term foreign debt and thereby the dramatic growth of foreign exchange reserves have infl... 在我国目前的汇率制度下,短期外债的增加进而外汇储备的急剧增加影响了货币政策的独立性,容易引发宏观经济风险。
- A more subtle way of getting rid of at least part of your foreign debt is to allow your currency to depreciate. 逃避至少一部分国外债务的一个更为精辟的方式是让本国货币贬值。
- If that happens, the burden of repaying the foreign debt then becomes crippling. 如果出现这种情况,偿还外债的负担则会变得极其严重。
- Thailand led the region into the financial crisis of 1997, when fears about the banks and foreign debt led to a collapse of the baht. 当1997年市场担心银行和外债会造成泰国货币崩溃的时候,泰国头一个进入了那场金融危机。
- This paper makes overall observation on scales of foreign debt from the levels of de-mand, possibilities and the ability of debt-service and repayment. 本文分别从外债需求、偿债可能以及外债需求与偿债可能相结合的角度对外债规模问题进行了全面考察。
- With the enlarging scale of foreign debt, many problems have emerged in the structural optimization and the risk management of foreign debt. 随着外债规模的不断扩大,我国在外债结构优化和风险防范等外债管理方面暴露出了许多问题。
- Note:Budgetary revenue excludes domestic and foreign debts. 注:国家财政收入中不包括国内外债务收入。
- But the problems are foreign debts and trade deficit. 但是问题是外债和贸易赤字。
- Zambia's reserves, for example, amounted to less than 1% of its foreign debt in 1998.They are now equivalent to about 28%. 比如,赞比亚的储备在1998年总共还不到外债的1%25,而现在却占到了28%25。
- This abundance of global capital has helped many developing countries reduce or even eliminate their foreign debt and finance ambitious restructuring efforts. 这一丰富的全球资本已经帮助许多发展中国家减轻甚至消除其外债和金融雄心勃勃重组努力。
- Secondly, Argentina has made mistakes on making use of foreign capital which include just a small quantity of foreign direct investment(FDI) and a large quantity of foreign debt. 其次,阿根廷在利用外资的政策上也有失误,一方面,其外资的构成中直接投资比例过小,另一方面,在使用外债问题上犯了不少错误。
- Although an RMB revaluation is favorable to reducing import cost, facilitating overseas expansion and reducing foreign debt, it may not benefit the overall economy. 虽然人民币升值对进口成本、海外扩张和削减外债等有好处,但对中国经济整体却未必有利。