- For Sally was crumbling. 因为萨利已经开始瞎折腾了。
- Sally was crumbling. 赛利开始胡闹了。
- We have a new record player for Sally. 我们为萨丽买了一台新的电唱机。
- The old wall was crumbling away at the edges. 老墙的边缘正在剥落中。
- The club is tailor-made for Sally. 俱乐部的活动很合莎莉的口味。
- Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed. 萨莉很开心,但我却很尴尬。
- Sally was ecstatic about her new job. 萨莉对她的新工作高兴得发狂。
- The old wall was crumbling at the edges . 这旧墙的边缘在剥落。
- Sally was a little keyed up before the meet. 运动会开始前萨有点儿紧张。
- The wall of strength I had built was crumbling. 我所建立起来的精神支柱正在崩溃。
- All day long Sally was a good and diligent bookkeeper and salesman. 赛利一天到晚勤勤恳恳地当一个好簿记员和售货员。
- It is very hard for Sally to learn math, but she it. 对萨莉来说数学很难学,但她却对数学感兴趣。
- He produced the accustomed sprite, giving her sally for sally. 他耍弄常用的小聪明,对她说了一个笑话又一个笑话。
- Sally was famous for succeed in busniess.she met her mr.right when she came to the age of 30. 萨莉名噪一时,事业有成。在快30岁时,她遇到了自己的白马王子。
- The stonework of the tower was crumbling, and the great clock had fallen into disrepair. 钟楼的石头框架摇摇欲坠,那座大钟也已年久失修。
- Sally was deeply disappointed; the glow went out of his face. 赛利感到深深的失望,他脸上的喜色消失了。
- The old castle walls are crumbling. 古城堡的墙在碎裂。
- John and Sally were now sixty years old. 约翰和萨莉已60岁了。
- The buildings are crumbling from years of neglect. 由于多年无人维修,这些建筑物行将倒塌。
- She and Sally were in the clouds that evening. 那天晚上,他们就如腾云驾雾一般。