- It rained by spells for five days. 断断续续下了5天雨。
- I'll be staying at camp for five days, Monday through Friday. 我将露营五天,从星期一到星期五。
- Closed for five days for repair. 修理内部,停业五天。
- The survivors weltered in the sea for five days. 幸存者在大海中颠簸了五天。
- He kept to the tasks for five days at a stretch. 这工作他一连干了5天。
- Julian remained in intensive care for five days. 手术后5天来朱利安一直受到加护治疗。
- The city has been under siege for five days. 这座城市被包围了五天了。
- I would like to rent a compact car for five days. 我想租辆小型轿车,租五天。
- I've been feeling a pain here for five days on end. 我这儿连续痛了五天。
- He went without sleep for five days. 他连续5天没有睡觉。
- The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. 绿林少年要在这里逗留五天。
- They fought a delaying action for five days. 他们打了5天的阻滞战。
- Closed for five days for repairs. 修理内部,停业5天。
- The fire burned away for five days. 大火一直燃烧了5天。
- The forest fire burnt away for five days. 森林大火一直燃烧了5天。
- The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days . 绿林少年要在这里逗留五天。
- I stopped over at Hangzhou for five days. 我在杭州停了五天。
- Hello. I am calling from Shanghai. I'd like to book a double room with bath from tonight for five days, please. 喂,我是从上海打来的电话,我要订一个双人房间,须带有浴室,从今晚算起五天。
- I will be staying at camp for five days, Monday through Friday. 我将露营五天,从星期一到星期五。
- I'll be staying at camp for five days,Monday through Friday. 我将露营五天,从星期一到星期五。