- For Tress Hill Road 炮台山道
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野战炮兵连续炮击那座要塞。
- The for tress covers the territory. 要塞的炮火射程可达该地。
- Hill Road on the bumpy jeep coil. 吉普车在山道上颠簸盘绕。
- University graduates go rent this house this Hill Road or crawl? 大学毕业生走租房这条道还是爬买房这座山?
- The fact that he was difficult to categorize stylistically was a source of satisfaction for Tress himself. 事实上他是很难被归类的摄影家之一,只是以满足自我的创作愿望而存在。
- There are more than a decade after Hill Road, Yin Temple, "Yinxi native place. 山后十余里有尹道寺,称“尹喜故里”。
- Hills Road is parallel to Mill Road. 希尔斯路和米尔路平行。
- Fortress Hill Methodist Secondary School 19 Fortress Hill Road, North Point, H.K. 炮台山循道卫理中学香港北角炮台山道19号。
- Route 94X resumes service on 20 December 2004 to replace route 94 Hill Road flyover special departures. 本线于二零零四年十二月二十日重新投入服务,取代94号山道天桥班次。
- All of us just walked lowering our heads, our sackless legs seemed to get used to this hill road. 早已麻木的双腿似乎已经习惯了这样的山路,众人只是低头行走。
- Tin Hill Road in the Tianshan nad outstanding performance this month, a Changning blue stars. 位于天山路的天山河畔本月表现突出,成为长宁耀眼的明星。
- Made up of 500 bamboo ladders tied together with traditional hand knotting technique, it resembles the solidity of a Chinese For tress. 500个竹梯用传统的手工绑结方式连接在一起却稳固得像一座中式城堡。
- Gypsum Hill Road, narrow-qi insurance, overlooking the mountain, as if ants peristaltic donkey. 石膏山的山路,窄而奇险,俯视山下,毛驴犹如蚂蚁蠕动。
- Its size is about 830 sq.m. It is at ground level and is accessible from Fortress Hill Road. 面积约830平方米,位于地面,可由炮台山道前往。
- Children, as pictorial themes, as prota-gonists and as partners in conversation, in the Dream Collector, for example, play a very im-portant role for Tress. 比如在“梦幻的收藏”中,孩子作为一种图像世界的对话空间,在特雷斯的作品中扮演了非常重要的角色。
- After eating dinner, I set out to hot spring, hill road rugged goes hard, shanye is soundless. 吃完晚饭后,我向温泉出发,山路崎岖难行,山野静悄悄的。
- Caroline Hill Road westbound between Apprentice Training Centre and Cotton Path will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic from. 介乎学徒训练中心与棉花路之间的一段加路连山道西行线将临时封闭,禁止所有车辆行驶。
- Car was sitting in the doorway of his kitchen, dreaming over an illustrated paper, when he heard the rattle of a wagon along the hill road. 卡尔坐在他家厨房门口,对着一张画报出神,这时他突然听到从山路上传来了一阵叮叮当当的马车声。
- Changning new plate and concentrated in the ancient days Hill Road North plate, including ancient North Star and Tianshan nad Garden. 静安新上市两盘位于武宁南路两侧,即怡乐公寓和翰林世家,两盘规模不大,价格万元上下。