- For Hannibal and his master. 献给汉尼拔和他的主人。
- Puss ordered his master to go for a swim and his master obeyed. 穿靴猫叫他的主人下去游泳,他的主人照着做了。
- Despite being surrounded by orcs, Sam and his master are reunited. 尽管被半兽人重重包围,山姆和他的主人还是会合了。
- And his master said to him, What did Elisha say to you? 主人问他说,以利沙对你说什么?
- Libyan leader Gadhafi 's youngest son, 32-year-old Hannibal and his pregnant wife Aline were staying in a luxury hotel when they were arrested. 利比亚领导人卡扎菲年仅32岁的幼子哈尼巴尔及其有孕在身的妻子爱丽娜在一家豪华酒店中被捕。
- DDasLlaiillaammaa and his masters from the west must be proud. 那大濑拉马和他西方的主子肯定会高兴了。
- He stole away an Irishman's bride,and took a French leave of me and his master. 他拐走了一位爱尔兰人的新娘,并且背着我和他的主人私自逃走了。
- My boss was out and his son filled in for him. 我的老板外出了,他的儿子顶了他的位置。
- The dog heard his master's whistle and broke into a run. 这条狗听到他主人的口哨声,就蓦地开始跑起来。
- Maybe he and his master would run together as stags, or fly to Re Albi over the mountain on the wings of eagles. 行止如凡人,了无神奇。师所执杖,姟德尝所讶畏者,亦唯助步而。三四日间,未闻师一咏咒禁,亦无所教授者。
- I don't love Jim and I care nothing for his money and his title. 我不爱吉姆,也不稀罕他的金钱和他的头衔。
- It is the assurance that carried Hannibal and Napoleon over the Alps, that left Alexander sighing for more worlds to conquer, that enabled Cortez and his little band to conquer a nation. 也正是它保证了Hannibal和Napoleon翻过来阿尔卑斯山,让Alexander惊叹这个世上还有更多的地方需要征服,让Cortez和他的那支乐队能占领全国人民的心。)
- The Fool is an inextricable part of his master s construct of reality and his livelihood is dependant on its existence. 小丑是他主人的现实结构中无法摆脱的一部分,并且他的生活有赖于现实结构的存在。
- And his master became angry and delivered him to the torturers until he would repay all that was owed. 34主人就大怒,把他交给掌刑的,直到他还清了一切所欠的债。
- The dog remained faithful to his master. 这条狗始终忠于它的主人。
- And his master shall bore his ear through with an awl, and he shall be his slave forever. 下同)那里,又要带他到门前,靠近门框,用锥子穿他的耳朵,他就永远服事主人。
- Bob and his girl friend descended on us for the weekend. 鲍伯和他女友突然来我家过周末。
- The servant enjoyed his master's confidence. 这仆人深得主人的信赖。
- It is never wise to come between a man and his wife. 干预人家夫妇间的事是不智的。
- While there is a consanguineous between the treasure lost and meanwhile his master die and his family decline. 其次,宝失人亡,往往连带着拥有者家道败落。