- Inflation has sent food costs soaring. 通货膨胀于食物价格飞涨。
- A lot of takeout food costs money. 大量的外卖食品花掉了钱。
- The food cost of Extreme Demolisher is 4 now. 超级粉碎者现在占用4个人口。
- The food cost of Extreme Demolisher is 四 now. 超级粉碎者现在占用四个人口。
- The increase in food costs swallowed up our pay increase. 食物花费的增加超出了我们的工资增长。
- The food cost &4, but I only paid &3 so I still owe &1. 食品要4英镑,可我只付了3英镑,因此我还欠1英镑。
- Assist food cost controller to update group Hotel's price in line. 协助食品成本控制员,更新月的集团酒店价格。
- Management of quality cost combine together on the basis of quality control and cost management but strategic cost office procedure that form. 质量成本管理是在质量管理和成本管理的基础上相结合而形成的战略成本管理方法。
- Or look, more recently, at the ethanol fiasco, and the accompanying soaring food costs. 或者再看一下乙醇燃料,它的失误人们记忆犹新,它伴随的是食品成本的暴涨。
- Stabilizing food costs will require Beijing to ease market controls and increase grain imports, Ulrich said. 稳定物价需要放松市场的控制并且加大进口。
- The NDRC has pledged to nab anyone who colludes to drive up prices amid surging food costs. 国家发改委的通告发布后的第二天,方便面价格又都回落到了涨价前的水平。
- During the time of detention the detainee's food costs shall be paid by himself. 在拘留期间,被拘留人的伙食费由自己负担。
- Spiralling food costs and the diving value of the Somali shilling have made things worse. 不断增长的食物成本与索马里先令的大幅贬值还会让情形变得更加恶化。
- Higher food costs, meanwhile, are a boon to warehouse clubs; some consumers are even stockpiling stores of frozen meat to hedge against rising prices. 另一方面,食品价格居高成了仓储会员店的福气,有些消费者正在囤积整仓整仓的冻肉,以防范物价步步走高。
- The US economy has begun to deflate for the first time in more than half a century as a slump in demand pushes energy and food costs lower. 当需求下滑推动能源和食品价格走低,美国经济已开始半个多世纪来的首度紧缩。
- The doughty American shopper is being pummelled by four things: the housing bust, the credit crunch, higher fuel and food costs and, most recently, a weakening labour market. 无畏的美国消费者当头迎来大棒:房价下跌,信贷萎缩,油价、食品价格高飘,再加之最近暗淡的就业状况。
- Were increases to be introduced it would either impoverish millions of farmers (unable to afford the new rates) or send food costs and inflation soaring. 是增加这些千百万贫困农民(不能负担各种费用)的收入还是送去食物成本或通货膨胀的上升呢?
- Under the stresses of rising food costs, the European Union ended regulations banning misshapen or imperfectly grown fruits and vegetables from their markets. 在食品价格上涨的压力下,欧盟终结了禁止卖畸形或有缺点的蔬菜和水果的规定。
- Multinational firms have warned that adopting tougher standards than those of the U.S. and Europe could lead to higher food costs and product unavailability. 跨国企业警告说,如果接受比欧美国家更严厉的标准,将可能导致食品价格上涨和产品匮乏。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我们的储粮还能维持多久?