- Following Named Individuals 下列人员
- CLIENT agrees to choose the following name for the branch corporation in U.S. 乙方美国分公司的名称选择
- Which, if any, of the following names are invalid? 下面的哪个,有的话,名称是无效的?
- The co-Executors serving at any time after my death may name one or more replacements to serve in the event that none of the three named individuals is willing or able to serve at anytime. 倘若,我死后,三位遗嘱执行人都不愿或无法继续履行责任,那么他们可以随时指定其他继任受托人。
- You cannot use the following names for script versions: ml_sis_1 or ml_qa_1. 不能使用以下名称为脚本版本命名:ml_sis_1和ml_qa_1。
- Responsibility for the IT elements of country BCP/DR plans should be allocated to a named individual. 没有明确计划的负责人,会导致计划不能完全开展和及时更新,最终影响对于突发事件的反应效率。
- Following Named Enlisted Men Organization Indicated 下列指明单位士兵
- Following Named Officers and Airmen 下列空军军官和士兵
- Abstract: There are two ideal systems named individualism and holism in dealing with the relationship between individual and society.Both of them indicate two forms, methodological and axiological. 文章摘要: 在如何处理个人与社会的关系问题上存在着个人主义与整体主义两种不同的思想体系,而它们各自又呈现为价值论的与方法论的两种不同的形态。
- She also refers to them by the following names which you might recognize: the sob sister, the blamer, the drama queen, the constant talker or joke teller, and the fixer-upper (requires endless help). 7.;听人抱怨让你感觉被需要么?如果是这样,你要小心选择帮助的对象了。
- The ship was due to sail the following morning. 这艘船定于第二天启航。
- Following Named Enlisted Men are Relieved Assignment 下列士兵被免职
- Have you got any rain check for the following game? 你拿到下一场球的免费票了吗?
- Our party has a large following in the south. 我党在南方有一大批拥护者。
- He was very precise in following instructions. 他一丝不钆地地执行指示。
- Output picked up again in the following year. 第二年产量又开始上升了。
- Have you been following the basketball tournament? 你一直都在看篮球锦标赛吗?
- The yacht made good progress with a following wind. 那小帆船顺风行驶得很快。
- Answer the following question(s). 回答下列问题。
- Events reached a tragic climax the following day. 翌日,事态发展到高潮,酿成了悲剧。