- Folk cultural and art industry 民间文化艺术产业
- Beginning at the end of the 1970s,the state conducted a large-scale systematic survey,collection and edition of the Tibetan folk cultural and art heritage. 七十年代末开始,国家又对西藏民族民间文化艺术遗产进行了大规模、有系统的普查、搜集、采录和整理工作。
- September 29, 2003, "Chinese Folk Culture and Art Museum" at the opening of the Old City Yuci, 1,000,000 square meters of the Old City and the Old City Area "Museum Park One. 2003年9月29日,“中国民间文化艺术博物馆”在榆次老城揭幕,100万平方米的老城与老城景区“馆园合一”。
- Cultural and art undertakings made healthy and orderly progress. 文化事业健康有序发展。
- I have a culture and art practice in my company. 我公司开办一项文化和艺术业务。
- Korean Children's Culture and Art Academy, INC. 韩国少儿文化艺术学院艺术团。
- Culture and art was flourishing. 文化艺术繁荣活跃。
- Naturally, only when culture and art dissolve in the family. 相关说明:家庭需要有文化的融入和艺术的参与。诺维家入墙书柜系列以实用与优雅并存的形式展现完美、特的设计风格。
- Popular culture and art have developed energetically. 群众性的文化艺术事业蓬勃发展。
- The stamps that are used on envelops can transmit culture and art . 信件上的邮票可以传播文化艺术。
- Culture and art belong to the realm of the superstructure. 文化艺术属于上层建筑。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- The graphic form of Chinese ideogram is one of its genres evolved from its long history, and has become part of the study of Chinese characters, part of the study of folk culture and plastic art, and particularly, part of the study of deco and visual art. 摘要汉字图形既是汉字长期发展演变的样式之一,是文字学研究的一部分,同时也是民间文化和造型艺术研究的内容,特别是装饰艺术和平面视觉艺术研究的重要内容。
- And the part of image refers to the use of images in Afro-American folk culture and in western literature field. 意象方面主要指对文化喻指意象的使用。
- You can also go to Xanadu, a primitive minority village full of folk culture and tranquil rurality. 你还可以去“世外桃源”,那是一个充满着民族风情和宁静的田园风味的原始少数民族村落。
- As the unique culture symbol, ninny usually plays important role in the old North-east's folk culture and folk story. 作为一种独特的地域文化符号,傻子在旧东北的民间文化和民间故事中,就常常扮演了重要角色。
- We can further study and learn literature and art to improve the quality of our cultural and spiritual life. 则学文我们才可以更进一步,学习研究学文艺术,来提升我们自己的精神生活品质。
- A fascinating mixture of the Han and Tibetan cultures and arts. 布达拉宫是汉藏文化艺术的结晶。
- Through chronicling folk culture and the life details, Hou Hsiao-hsien's film displayed the whole Taiwan society from time to space. 侯孝贤电影以时间上的编年史模式、空间上的全景模式,通过生活细节和民俗细节的展示记录了台湾地区一百多年来的多元一体文化格局。
- Our mission is to let people enjoy the world's most pure coffee, tea and publicize the unique cultural and art! 我们的使命是让人们品尝世界上最纯正的咖啡、茶及籍此宣扬它们的独特文化和艺术!