- The Development and Management Suggestions on Flying Fish Roe Harvesting Fisheries 飞鱼卵采捕渔业的发展概况及管理建议
- Main products : 1.Prepared Shredded/Rolled Squid, Tasty Tuna Tidbits, Prepared Seaweed, Polloack Fish Snack 2.Frozen Surimi Product, Seasoned Flying Fish Roe 3.Frozen Squid Product 主要产品:1.;鱿鱼丝(片);海之味;昆布;鳕鱼香丝2
- Freddie's frying five fresh flying fish. 弗雷迪正在煎五条新鲜的飞鱼。
- Can a flying fish flee far from a free fish fry? 一只飞鱼能远远地逃离一个无鱼的油炸锅吗?
- Roger wondered what else he could transform into fish roe. 罗杰想知道他还能把什么东西转换进鱼卵里去。
- Flying fish eat plankton and small crustaceans. 飞鱼吃浮游生物和小甲壳纲的动物。
- Can a flying fish flee far from a free fish fry. 一条飞着的鱼可以远远地逃离一个自由的炸鱼聚餐吗?
- Thaw the fish roe, sea urchin, and Artemia nauplii in a separate bowl. 将鱼籽,海胆和丰年虾分别放在碗里。
- Jeff: There was a "flying fish" besides the "fleet-footed runner". 杰夫:除了“飞毛腿”,还有“飞鱼”呢。
- It shot forward likesome flying fish, hardly skimming the water. 一条打跳的梭鱼。
- Ingredient:Fish roe essence,Nerve amide,HA,Multi-dimensional plant can the protein Cornflower extracts. 成份:鱼子精华,神经酰胺,HA,多维植物能蛋白,矢车菊提取液。
- Flying fishes;**A:Anguilliformes fishes. 飞鱼类;**A:鳗鲡目鱼类.
- The billionaire admits: "From time to time, I like to buy a nice shirt and cravat”and eat Swedish fish roe. 这位亿万富翁承认:不时地,我总喜欢买些漂亮衬衫穿,还爱吃瑞典鱼籽。
- A hovering bird showed him where dolphins were chasing some flying fish. 一只盘旋的鸟给他指明了海豚追逐飞鱼的地方。
- Strongly acidic food: egg yolk, cheese, cake baked with white sugar or persimmon, mullet fish roe, dried cod, etc. 强酸性食品:蛋黄、乳酪、白糖做的西点或柿子、乌鱼子、柴鱼等。
- The cast of the line is crucial to fly fishing. 如何投掷鱼线对飞钓来说很关键。
- Strongly acidic food: egg yolk, cheese, cake make with white sugar or persimmon, mullet fish roe, dried cod. 强酸性食品:蛋黄、乳酪、白糖做的西点或柿子、乌鱼子、柴鱼等。
- A flying fish is excellent to eat raw and I would not have to cut him up. 飞鱼生吃味道真不坏。我也不用把它切碎。
- Julienne cucumber, put in mixing bowl, add in crab meat, mayonnaise and mustard, mix well.Sprinkle fish roe on top, ready to serve. 青瓜去皮切幼丝,盛以大碗,加入蟹肉、沙律酱、芥辣酱,捞匀,洒上鱼子即可供食。
- A hovering bird showed him where dolphins were chasing some flying fish . 一只盘旋的鸟给他指明了海豚追逐飞鱼的地方。