- Reuse of Bottom and Fly Ash and. 火力发电厂灰渣废水二次处理再利用。
- Effect of Shajiang black soil amended by coal fly ash on ecological factors and residue of heavy metal in wheat field. 粉煤灰改良砂姜黑土对麦田生态因子及重金属残留的影响。
- Under the complex geological condition where the backfill is on thick soft clay, the design method of combining fly ash concrete pile and lime pile is presented. 针对深厚软粘土上覆新回填土的复杂地质条件,提出了粉煤灰混凝土桩与石灰桩联合进行地基处理的设计方法。
- In this paper,a cementing material used to consolidate soil is prepared by adopting fly ash,kiln dust and activator. 本文采用粉煤灰、窑灰及激发剂配制了一种用于固化土壤的胶凝材料。
- CFG pile is the abbreviation of Cement Fly-ash Gravel pile, a kind of high bond strength pile made of cement, fly ash, reduced stone, rock chips and sand, mixed with water. CFG桩是水泥粉煤灰碎石桩的简称,它是由水泥、粉煤灰、碎石、石屑和砂加水拌和形成的高粘结强度桩,和桩间土、褥垫层一起形成复合地基。
- The infection mechanics which powdered fly ash affects clayey soil's plastic and liquid limits is studied in detail. 详细分析了粉煤灰对粘土的塑液限影响的机理。
- As far as I know, we utilize the ash slag in mant sectors, such as cement production, soil amelioration, road construction, fly ash brick, ect. 据我所知,我们在许多方面进行灰渣利用,如水泥生产、土壤改良、筑路、粉煤灰砖等等。
- Durability Properties of High Volume Fly Ash Con-cretes. 结构混凝土中粉煤灰掺入量是30%25-70%25,但没有路用性能的分析。
- Fly ash can be take as high quality admixture of concrete. 处理后的粉煤灰可作为优质的混凝土掺合料。
- Fly ash effeCts"of fly ash added calcium is analyzed qualitatively. 本文从定性、定量两方面分析了增钙灰的“粉煤灰效应”。
- A kind of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria(PSB)were isolated from coal fly ash and cropping soil respectively,named CA and SL strains. 从粉煤灰和农田土壤中分离筛选出2株解磷细菌CA和SL,以紫花苜蓿为供试植物,通过盆栽试验研究接种解磷细菌对粉煤灰基质的改良作用。
- The utilization of mixtures of fly ash and biosolids in soil amendment is suggested to be one of the best methods of solid waste disposal and utilization. 认为粉煤灰与若干有机固体废弃物配施具有良好的土壤改良效果,也是我国固体废弃物处置和利用的最佳途径之一。
- Fly ash, lees and sludge are three representational castoffs from industry. 粉煤灰、糟、泥是是工业三废中具代表性的三种废弃物。
- CSH gel with low water content forms in the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash. 粉煤灰的火山灰反应生成的也是含水率较低的CSH凝胶。
- High hydration temperature advances the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash. 高温水化条件下粉煤灰的火山灰反应提前发生。
- Fly ash , lees and sludge are three representational castoffs from industry. 粉煤灰、糟、泥是是工业三废中具代表性的三种废弃物。
- Fly ash was a sort of industrial solid castoff which could be utilized again. 粉煤灰是一种可再资源化的工业固体废弃物。
- The effect of albite on activating fly ash is better than microcline’s. 钠长石对粉煤灰蒸压制品的激发效果优于钾长石。
- Corundum may be the typical secondary minerals in the high-alumina fly ash. 刚玉可能是高铝粉煤灰中典型的次生矿物。
- Dave T.T.Chang, W.H.Pern, C.C.Huang(1990), "The Study of Fly Ash Stabilization on Lateritic Soil in Taiwan ,"Tenth Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, 16-20 April, 1990, Taipei. 高祥生,(民国75年),"利用飞灰及炉石改良黏土的工程性质研究",私立淡江大学土木工程研究所硕士论文。