- Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc. 尼日利亚面粉厂。
- The great merchant flour mills of Baltimore and Rochester fell into this category, as did some of the large packing plants in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and (after 1840) Cincinnati. 巴尔的摩和罗彻斯特的大型商业化面粉厂即属于此列,纽约、费城、巴尔的摩以及(1840年后)辛辛那提的一些大型包装厂也是如此。
- The daughter of the flour mill boss is a beautiful and devout miss. 磨坊老板的女儿是一个又美丽又虔诚的姑娘。
- In the flour mill, wheat grains are powdered. 麦粒在磨坊被磨成粉末。
- Of Nigeria and Ghana, the former has the larger population. 就尼日利亚和加纳两国而言,前者人口较多。
- Mills of God grind slowly But sure? 天网恢恢,疏而不漏
- That is a jute mills of Pakistan. 那是一家巴基斯坦的黄麻纤维制造厂。
- The Chairman invited the Delegation of Nigeria to take the floor. 主席请尼日利亚代表团发言。
- The flour mill boss is frightened, take awayed the water. 磨坊老板害怕,就把水拿开了。
- Mill of god grind slowly but sure. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
- The wheat has been processed into flour in the flour mill. 这些小麦都在面坊里被加工成了面粉。
- The caizidi iron mill of puer county. 宁洱县菜子地铁厂。
- The mills of God grind slowly (, but they grind exceedingly small). 上帝的磨;慢慢地转;细细地碾.;(天网恢恢;疏而不漏
- Of Nigeria and Ghana,the former has the larger population. 就尼日利亚和加纳两国而言,前者人口较多。
- The mill of god grind slowly,but they grind exceedingly small. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
- This beaded diviner's bag hails from the Oyo region of Nigeria. 这件带珠子的艺术品来自尼日利亚的Oyo地区,它是当地占卜者用的挎包。
- The necessity and results of adding purifiers in small flour mills are introduced. 介绍了小型面粉厂增设清粉系统的必要性和效果。
- The TQSF Series stoning Machine is used mainly in flour mills, rice mills and oil factories. TQSF系列去石机主要用于面粉厂、米厂、油厂;
- You were ground in the very mill of the conventional! 习惯势力的磨臼辗磨着你!