- Floor Space of Biding System 投标承包
- The room has a floor space of 12 sq.m. 那间房有十二平方。
- This house has ten room with a floor space of 200 square meter. 这栋房子有十间房间,楼面面积为二百平方公尺。
- The floor space of the warehouses has grownfivefold. 仓库面积增加了四倍。
- This house have ten room with a floor space of 200 square meter. 这栋房子有十间房间,楼面面积为二百平方公尺。
- This house has ten rooms with a floor space of 200 square meters. 这栋房子有十间房间,楼面面积为二百平方公尺。
- The exhibition covers a floor space of 3,000 square metres. 展览会面积为三千平方米。
- However, once conspiracy behavior is involved for excess conspiracy profits through restriction of free competition, the essence of biding system will be changed fundamentally. 但是,一旦通过限制自由竞争来谋取超额串通利润的串通行为介入其中,就从根本上改变了招投标制度的本质。
- The floor space of the warehouses has grown fivefold. 仓库面积增加了四倍。
- Note: For the reason of system changes, data of "per capita residential floor space of buildings" refers to "living floor space" before 2002. 注:因统计制度变更,指标“平均每人房屋建筑面积”2002年前的数据为“平均每人房屋居住面积”数。
- Floor Space of Residential Buildings under construction, completed and sold. 各地区住宅施工、竣工、销售面积。
- In 1991, the per-capita floor space of city and township residents reached 13.7 square meters. 1991年城镇居民人均住房面积达到13.;7平方米。
- In 1991,the per-capita floor space of city and township residents reached 13.7 square meters. 1991年城镇居民人均住房面积达到13.;7平方米。
- Of the floor space of houses completed by construction enterprises of Beijing,53.3 percent was excellent or good. 全市建筑企业房屋竣工面积优良品率达53.;3%25。
- The state allocated a special fund of more than 55 million yuan for the five-odd-year renovation of the Potala Palace involving a total floor space of 33,900 sq m. 对布达拉宫的维修,国家共拨专款5500多万元,历时5年多,维修面积达33900平方米。
- Of the floor space of houses completed by construction enterprises of Beijing, 53.3 percent was excellent or good. 全市建筑企业房屋竣工面积优良品率达53.;3%25。
- The Tibetan Museum,funded by the state to the tune of more than 90 million yuan and with a total floor space of 22,500 sq m,was opened in October 1997. 1997年10月,由国家投资9000多万元建设的西藏博物馆交付使用,总建筑面积达2.;25万平方米。
- Floor space of buildings completed during the year was 587.05 million square meters,down by 35.39 million square meters. 房屋竣工面积58705万平方米,减少3539万平方米。
- In Gyangze County of Xigaze Prefecture, which has a population of 56,700, over 80 percent have moved into new dwellings, with a per-capita floor space of 40 square meters. 西藏日喀则地区江孜县有5.;67万人口,80%25以上的群众住进了新房,人均住房面积达40平方米。
- The fashion exhiBition hall of our company, with full equipment and floor space of 100, 000 square metres, can Be called a metropolis of fashions. 本公司时装展览厅,设备齐全,建筑面积达十万平方米,堪称本地区时装之都。