- Flight into Camden 飞向卡姆登
- The first flight into space was a brilliant feat. 第一次太空飞行是项光辉的伟绩。
- Your flight into Salt Lake City. Upon arrival, take hotel free sh. 抵达后搭乘免费专车前往旅馆休息,下午自由活动。
- He returned from his sombre eagle flight into outer darkness. 他在外面黑暗中作了一次老鹰式阴郁的巡视。
- The first flight into space marked a new epoch in the history of mankind. 第一次太空飞行标志著人类历史中的新的历史时期。
- One of the greatest joys know to man is to take a flight into ignorance in search of knowledge. 人类已知的最大乐趣之一是投身蒙昧之境去寻求知识。
- One of the greatest joys known to man is to take a flight into ignorance in search of knowledge. 人类认识到的最大乐趣之一是投身愚昧之境寻求知识。
- One of the greatest joys known to man is to take such a flight into ignorance in search of knowledge. 人类所欣赏的最大乐事之一,就是为求知识而陷入无知。
- Knight Rider. A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist. 不曾存在之人,如同一闪而过的黑影,穿梭在这个危险的世界。
- Activities might include learning to make fire like the earliest people or talking a simulated flight into outer space. 这种互动式活动包括学习远古时代人类的钻木取火或模仿太空人飞入太空宇宙。
- Stewart, in honour of Cosmonauts' Day, the Russian day commemorating Yuri Gagarin's historic 1961 flight into space. 西蒙尼会请他们吃一顿玛莎准备的美味佳肴。
- And I see him taking flight into nothingness, like Jesus escaping from the cross. . . . 于是我看见他逃进了虚无之中,正如耶稣逃离十字架。
- The advent of digital technology only exacerbated photography's flight into fable. 数字技术的到来只是加快了摄影变成神话的速度。
- The serious incident is officially classified in international aviation terms as "controlled flight into terrain only marginally avoided". 国际航空术语把这种严重事件正式归类为“控制中的飞机进入只能险险避开的地带”。
- That's Senator Clinton talking to me on the military flight into Tuzla. And these are the pictures we recorded of the greeting ceremony when the plane landed. 这是克林顿参议员在飞往图兹拉的军用飞机上正在与我谈话的照片。这些是我们拍下的飞机着陆时欢迎仪式的照片。
- Gagarin's 108-minute mission in orbit was the first manned flight into space and dealt a severe blow to the prestige of the Soviet Union's Cold War rival, the United States. 加加林围绕地球轨道108分钟的飞行是第一次太空载人飞行。它给冷战时期前苏联的对手美国的威望予以了重重一击。
- Don't poke into my private affairs. 不要干涉我的私事。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- His honesty was called into question. 他的诚实受到了怀疑。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。