- Flies and mosquitoes are pests. 苍蝇和蚊子都是害虫。
- Yes, mosquitoes are pests through and through. 是的,蚊子是彻头彻尾的害虫。
- To improve urban sanitation, our city launched a special campaign to eliminate the four pests: rats, bedbugs, flies and mosquitoes. 为改善城市卫生,我市每年都会开展除"四害"活动。
- Yes, mosquitoes are pests through and through.But there's more to their irritating whine than meets the ear. 是的,蚊子彻头彻尾是一种的害虫,但是更气人的是老是在耳边发牢骚。
- The flies and mosquitos cometo assault. 苍蝇蚊子齐来攻击。
- Flies, bees, wasps, and mosquitoes were all common catches on both filtered and unfiltered webs. 两种网都能粘到苍蝇,蜜蜂,黄蜂和蚊子。
- Is there any sound more annoying than the whine of a mosquito? Yes, mosquitoes are pests through and through. But there's more to their irritating whine than meets the ear. 有什么比一只蚊子在你耳边嗡嗡叫个不停更让你恼火的吗?是的,蚊子是彻头彻尾的害虫。不过有比这更让你不得清净的声音。
- eliminate the four pests (rats, bedbugs, flies and mosquitoes) 除"四害"
- Made from natural pyrethrum, can quickly and effectively strike down flies and mosquitoes, and approved by the Chinese state Environmental Protection Administration. 本品采用高效拟除虫菊酯为有效药物,配方合理、气味芳香,能快速杀灭蚊子、苍蝇、蟑螂等害虫。适合家庭、餐厅、宾馆等场所使用。
- Objective To study the field effects and effective duration of cypermethrin congfected by chitosan against fly and mosquito. 目的观察壳聚糖复配的氯氰菊酯对蚊蝇的杀灭效果和药效持续时间。
- Of, relating to, or belonging to the Diptera, a large order of insects that includes the true flies and mosquitoes, characterized by a single pair of membranous wings and a pair of club-shaped balancing organs. 双翅目的双翅目的或与双翅目(是一个昆虫大目,包括真正的蝇、蚊,具有少数前翅有功能,后翅退化成一对小棒状构造的特性)相关的
- Deodorization flavour: will be sweet cut tobacco, put within the toilet, what can prevent fly and mosquito and bacterium is progenitive, have deodorization effect. 除臭味:将香烟丝,放于厕所内,能够防止苍蝇以及蚊子和细菌的繁殖,并有除臭作用。
- Mosquitoes are carriers of malaria. 蚊子是疟疾的传播媒介。
- prevent the breeding of flies and mosquitoes 防止蚊蝇滋生
- a breeding ground of flies and mosquitoes 蚊蝇孳生的场所
- A fly and a flea are in a chimney. 烟囱中有一只苍蝇和一只跳蚤。
- and the flies and mosquitoes (Diptera). 和苍蝇和蚊子(双翅目) 。
- Insects, which eat crops, are pests. 吃庄稼的昆虫是害虫。
- Insects which eat crops are pests. 吃庄稼的昆虫是害虫。
- My dislikes are being sick, crowds and mosquitoes. 不喜欢:生病,拥挤的人群和蚊子。