- Flash past like an arrow. 快若流矢。
- Time flies like an arrow; Time fleeing beneath him. 光阴似箭;光阴飞逝。
- The practised oar pushed out and the boat left the tank like an arrow. 老练的桨手篙一撑,船就似箭般离了岸。
- Like an arrow in my bow, a stone in my sling. 如同我弓上的箭,弹弓上的石头。
- A mind bent on returning is like an arrow. 归心似箭。
- The hare darted off like an arrow. 野兔像箭似的逃跑了。
- And it pasts just like an arrow. 和它仅仅像一支箭一样的过去。
- Time has three kinds of paces: the future comes slowly, the present flies like an arrow, and the past stands still. 时间有三种步伐:未来姗姗来迟,现在飞逝如箭,过去静立不动。
- The practised oar pushed off and the boat left the like an arrow. 老练的桨手将篙一撑,船就似箭一般离开了岸。
- Time flies like an arrow, and time lost never returns. 光阴似箭,一去不返。
- There are three paces of time: The future is slow in coming; the present is flying like an arrow; the past is always at a standstill. 时间的步伐有三种:未来姗姗来迟,现在像箭一般飞逝,过去永远静止不动。
- Time flies like an arrow , and time lost never returns. 光阴似箭,一去不返)(三)时间是尺,万物皆检
- Light and shade come in swift alternation; Days and months flash by as quickly as a weaver's shuttle.; Light travels like an arrow, and time like a shuttle. 日月如梭。
- I never believed that love could find me, like an arrow through the heart. 我从来不认为爱情可以找到我,就像一个箭头通过的心。
- An arrow whizzed past and stuck in a tree. 一支箭“飕”地一声飞过去,钉在一棵树上。
- An eagle with a rabbit in its talons is darting through the sky like an arrow. 苍鹰箭一般滑过天空,鹰爪上还抓着一只野兔。
- Time flies like an arrow and years elapse like a shuttle. I have stepped into my midlife before I realize it. 光阴似箭,岁月如梭。不经意间,我已跨过了中年的门槛。
- Your delightful little letter has just arrived and went like an arrow to my heart. 你那封痛快的短信刚来到,象一支箭穿了我的心。
- But the new day begins to flash past in the sigh. 但新来的日子的影儿又开始在叹息里闪过了。
- The wavering, unsteady mind, hard to guard, difficult to restrain, the wise one straightens, like an arrow-maker an arrow. 心是飘浮不定的,难以控制,难以防护。智者训练其心,使它正直,如矢师矫正箭一般。