- Fits in any work space 适合任何工作环境
- The doctor can't fit in any more visits this week. 本周这位医生无法安排时间接诊更多的病人。
- I don't see how we can fit in any more chairs. 我看再也不能多放进几把椅子了。
- We can't fit in any more chairs. 我们没有地方再摆更多的椅子了。
- Sorry,I can't fit in any more callers this morning. 对不起,今天早上没有时间安排更多的来访者。
- Sorry, I can‘t fit in any callers this morning. 对不起,今天上午我安排不了更多的来访者了。
- It has a timelessness that fits in any architecture or any locale. 它的永恒性适合于任何建筑或地点。
- Sorry ,I can not fit in any more callers this morning . 对不起,今天上午,我安排不了更多的来访者了。
- There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. 有二额外的选择,在任何空格中不适合。
- Sorry, I can't fit in any more callers this morning. 对不起,今天上午我安排不了更多的来访者了。
- Sorry , I can not fit in any more callers this morning . 对不起,今天上午,我安排不了更多的来访者了。
- The part which nature has in any work of man,is indefinite and incommensurable. 自然力在人类任何工作中所起的作用都是无限的,无法计量的。
- The part which nature has in any work of man, is indefinite and incommensurable. 自然力在人类任何工作中所起的作用都是无限的,无法计量的。
- The greatest touchstone of any work is time. 时间是检验一切的最好的试金石。
- Both sides would not be involved in the acts of torture, kidnapping and forcing the civilians in any work and take necessary action to discourage such acts. 双方不应卷入酷刑折磨、绑架和强迫公民从事任何劳动,并采取采取必需措施阻止此类行为。
- His ideas did not quite fit in with our aims. 他的想法和我们的目标不完全一致。
- Persons who have contracted contagious diseases or any other disease which may contaminate the medicine shall not be allowed to engage in any work which has direct contact with pharmaceuticals. 患有传染病或者其他可能污染药品的疾病的,不得从事直接接触药品的工作。
- Her possessions could fit in one suitcase. 她的全部财物可以装在一个手提箱内。
- Do you have any work experience in this field? 你有没有这方面的工作经验?
- His unstrained design refuses to fit in any pigeonholes but absorbs anything he feels good to enhance the simultaneous facet of his state of mind. 他的设计也很随心所欲,只要是他觉得好的东西都会用在自己的设计中,以表达自己随时随地的思想状态,所以他的设计没有固定风格。