- How can fish eat sunflower seeds? 鱼怎么会吃瓜子呢?
- Variable big fish eat the small fish. 吃小鱼变大鱼!
- Flying fish eat plankton and small crustaceans. 飞鱼吃浮游生物和小甲壳纲的动物。
- And we use to eat rats together, Beak, in a biting cave of Hogsmeade. 而且,我们一起吃过老鼠,比克,在霍格莫德刮阴风的山洞里。
- The great fish eats up the small. 大鱼吃小鱼。
- Larger fish devour the smaller ones.; The great fish eat up the small. 大鱼吃小鱼。
- In the internet era,quick fish eat sloe fish buit not big fish eat small fish. 在互联网时代,不是大鱼吃小鱼,而是快鱼吃慢鱼。
- I can't believe it.I may have eaten rat droppings.... 我不敢相信我可能吃过老鼠屎....
- Sime fishes eat other small fishes. 有些鱼吃其他小鱼。
- You feed the fish once only and monitor the fish eating all the food within 2 mins. 你每天哺养鱼一次和监测鱼能在2分钟内吃所有食物。
- Lovely things to eat rats, the game began to select mouse control button starts the game, hold the mouse button with the time to control long distance. 可爱的鼠吃东西,游戏开始选择mouse control按纽开始游戏,用按住鼠标键的时间长久来控制远近。
- Elephant eats tigher, tiger eats cat, cat eats rat, rat eats elephant! 象吃老虎,老虎吃猫,猫吃老鼠,老鼠可以吃象。
- The game introduce:New version the big fish eat fingerling, the direction key control marches forward a direction. 游戏介绍:新版大鱼吃小鱼,方向键控制行进方向。
- I love the ocean.I wanna to explore the deep sea.I know it's not easy.It's a fish eat fish world down there. 我喜爱海洋。我希望能够到深海去探险。我知道这并不容易,海底下是鱼吃鱼得世界。
- Operations Guide: Mouse operation encountered no network can not be a big fish eat! 操作指南:鼠标操作,不能碰到网,也不能被大鱼吃掉!
- Fish systems are the opposite to hydroponic systems - as fish eat and metabolise feed, the water pH drops. 养鱼的系统雨水更系统正好相反,当鱼吃进饲料并进行新陈代谢之后,水体会变酸。
- Yet there was no need for any plates at all in Bihar, one of India's poorest states where authorities encouraged people to eat rats to fight rising food prices and save grain stocks. 而在印度最贫困的省邦之一比哈尔邦,人们可不需要摔盘泄愤,当地政府鼓励人们吃鼠肉以应对粮价攀高并节约粮食库存。
- The aquaculture industry now provides almost half the fish eaten worldwide. 水产业在提供了全球一半吃鱼者的需求。
- In the internet era,quick fish eat sloe fish buit not big fish eat small fish.To leave the big fish behind is the consistant persuit of the small fish. 在互联网时代,不是大鱼吃小鱼,而是快鱼吃慢鱼。(把大鱼甩在身后,将是小鱼们不懈的追求。)
- Sommer notes that fish eat only certain kinds of zooplankton, so more analysis is needed to gauge the impact on the food supply. 萨默指出:鱼只吃某些种类的浮游动物,所以需要进行更多的分析,才能测定全球变暖对鱼类食物供应的影响。