- Fish cannot live out ofwater. 鱼离不开水。
- I doubt if she'll live out the winter. 我看她活不过今年冬季。
- Household servants who live out. 不住在主人家的仆人们
- Most of the workers at the foundry live out. 这家铸造厂的工人多数住在厂外。
- Students can live out of college if they wish. 学生要是愿意,可以走读。
- The workers are allowed to live out. 这些工人被允许住在厂外。
- These songs will live out this century. 这些歌曲不仅仅在本世纪里流行。
- I want to live out my days with you. 我希望能跟你白头到老。
- He threatened to choke the life out of the man. 他威胁说要把那人掐死。
- Some men on their own will live out of tins rather than cook meals for themselves. 一些独居的男人宁肯靠罐头食品过日子,也不愿自己烧饭吃。
- Some college students will have to live out. 有些大学生将不得不住在校外。
- He threatened to choke the life out of the man . 他威胁说要把那人掐死。
- I cannot live out of her company. 我离了她不能活。
- He threatened to thrash the life out of me. 他恐吓说要打死我。
- Will the old man live out the month? 那位老人活得过这个月吗?
- She can't live out another month. 她活不过下个月。
- Students can live out if they wish. 如果学生愿意,他们可以不住校。
- All married students are allowed to live out. 所有已婚学生都可不必住校。
- The workers are allowed to live out . 这些工人被允许住在厂外。