- contract system on fiscal revenue and expenditure 财政收支包干制
- Analysis of Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure under Inner Monetary Supply System 内生货币供给体系下的财政收支分析
- An Empirical Study on Influences of VAT Transformation on Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure in Xinjiang 增值税转型对新疆财政收支影响的实证研究
- Administration of Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure: A Basic Function of Finance and Tax Sector 掌管政府收支:财税部门专有的基本职能
- The Formation of Governmental Saving: From the Perspective of Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure 政府储蓄的形成:从财政收支角度所作的考察
- Revenue and expenditure are balanced. 收支平衡。
- Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure 财政收支
- The reckoning up of revenue and expenditure shows a small surplus. 收支相抵,略有剩余。
- A government's revenue and expenditure should be balanced. 政府的财政收入和支出要平衡。
- However,fiscal policy has not only possible Keynesian effects,but also possible Non-Keynesian effects. The effects of fiscal policy are nonlinear,and the adjustment between fiscal revenue and fiscal expenditure is asymmetric. 在现实中,财政政策既具有凯恩斯效应也具有非凯恩斯效应,财政政策效应是非线性的,财政收支的调整过程也是非线性非对称的。
- Fiscal Revenue and Fiscal Expenditure 财政收支
- Its influences on macroeconomics, fiscal revenue and local government are analyzed. 介绍了“两税”合并的基本内容。
- Meanwhile, both state revenue and fiscal revenue of local government have achieved an increase. 同时,上半年,全市财政总收入和地方财政收入双双增长。
- fiscal system with unified revenue and expenditure 统收统支财政体制
- In order to control the budget we have decided from now on to hold departments responsible for their own revenue and expenditure. 因此,今后为了控制预算,才实行包干。
- Our Japanese friends say they do not believe that a balance between revenue and expenditure can be achieved by means of control. 日本朋友说,他们从来不相信用控制的方法能够达到财政收支平衡。
- Note: The revenue and expenditure in this table is local level government figures. 注:本表收支均为地方本级收支。
- An audit is conducted by investigating revenues and expenditures. 审计的客体是财政、财务收支。
- Before and after tax and fee reform, the township financial revenue and expenditure manifest obvious otherness as well as notable continuity. 税费改革前后,乡镇财政收支一方面表现出了明显的差异性,另一方面表现出了显著的延续性。
- Revenue and expenditure accounting system can meet the needs of developing college financial administration. 收付实现制“的会计核算方法已不适应发展中的高校财务管理。