- Treaty of Nanking signing ends the First Opium War. 1842年的今天,《南京条约》的签署结束了第一次鸦片战争。
- Even more explicit is Marx's defense of Britain's first Opium War. 更为明显的是马克思为英国的第一次鸦片战争辩护。
- In the First Opium War, which of the following harbors was NOT occupied by England? 第一次鸦片战争中,以下那个港口未被英军攻佔?
- After the First Opium War, the Guangdong-Macao relationship l ost its balance because of the cession of Hongkong. 第一次鸦片战争后,香港的割让引起粤澳(中葡)关系失衡,是有澳门议事会九请和中葡谈判的出现。
- He was also apublic benefactor, donating 1.1 million silver dollars toward reparations after the First Opium War. 他也是公认的慈善家,捐赠第一个鸦片战争后的一百一十万向赔款的银元。
- An expeditionary force arrived in June 1840 to back these demands, and thus began the so-called First Opium War (1840-42). 为争取上述要求,英国显示实力,派遣远征军于一八四零年六月开抵中国,遂爆发第一次鸦片战争(一八四零至四二年)。
- How much of the tumultuous 19th-century history of China, which included the First Opium War, the Taiping Rebellion, and the Boxer Rebellion? 游戏中我们能看到多少纷争不断的19世纪的中国历史?有没有包括第一次鸦片战争、太平天国运动和义和团运动?
- After the First Opium War and during the signing of the postwar treaties,the Qing government was greartly influenced by the traditional view of “barbarism”. 在第一次鸦片战争及战后签约活动中 ,传统的“夷狄”观念对清政府的影响随处可见。
- In a word, the labor policy of Qing government after the First Opium War is an evolution process from prohibits, tacit, legalization to support and protect. 鸦片战争后清政府的华工政策是一个从禁止、默认、到合法化、再到支持与保护的演变过程。
- France took neutral policy with caution toward the conflict between China and Britain during the first Opium War and sent an observation mission heading by Dubois de Jancigny to China on Apr. 1841. 摘要第一次鸦片战争中,法国对中英冲突采取了谨慎的中立政策,并于1841年4月派出以真盛意为首的观察团前往中国进行观察。
- Since China's defeat in the First Opium War in 1842, British and other European powers came to exercise forcible dominion in China. Among the examples of imperialist predation on Chinese territory were the leased territories. 自1842年第一次鸦片战争中国失败开始,英国以及其他帝国强权开始了对中国版图的掠夺,其中具有代表性的是搞租借地;
- After the First Opium War,western countries established consular jurisdiction system in China by invading wars and unequal treaties. 鸦片战争之后,西方列强通过侵略战争和不平等条约在中国建立了领事裁判权制度。
- The First Opium War in 1840 opened the prologue of Chinese modem history while at the same time served as the starting-point for Chinese people to fight against invasions from the West. 1840年爆发的中英“第一次鸦片战争”,揭开了中国近代历史的的序幕,同时也成为中国人民反击西方列强侵略的起点。
- Its natural depth and sheltered location enticed the British to occupy the Hong Kong Island during the First Opium War, and subsequently established the colony as a central trade post to Far East. 正因为它天然的深度与屏障,使得当时的英国人与满清政府之间进行了第一次鸦片战争,香港而由此发展为远东贸易的中心。
- And what are the reason of Qing lost the Opium War? 清朝输掉鸦片战争的根本原因又是什么?
- After the Opium War, steamships had entered Ch... 鸦片战争后,轮船进入中国,西方列强纷纷在中国设...
- The Canton General Chamber of Commerce of Foreign Residents and Sino-British Relations before the First Opium War 广州外侨总商会与鸦片战争前夕的中英关系
- Britain took Hong Kong in the first Opium War, secured the designation of five “treaty ports,” and won rights of extraterritoriality for its citizens in China; 在第一次鸦片战争中,英国夺取了香港,获得了所指定的五个通商口岸,为其在华侨民赢得了治外法权;
- Modernity began to emerge in China after the Opium War. 摘要鸦片战争以降,现代性遭遇中国。