- There comes a time to break all the rules. 打破常规的时代来临了。
- First Break All the Rules 首先打破所有规则
- He thinks he can break all the rules; but, believe me, he's got it coming to him one day. 他不把规矩放在眼里,可是,走着瞧,早晚他会自食恶果。
- The youth of today are breaking all the rules set by their parents. 现在的年轻人正在不断破坏父辈立下的规矩。
- Graphic design is a “visual language”, and brilliance is recognized in designers whose work seems to break all the rules, yet communicates it messages clearly. 平面设计是一种视觉语言,设计师的工作由于看似冲破所有规则却能够清晰的进行信息沟通而罩上了光环。
- I am thoroughly conversant with all the rules. 我对所有的规则了如指掌。
- He is conversant with all the rules. 他对全部规则都很熟悉。
- Edward Cullen: Not that guy. No he just looked. Breaking all the rules now anyways. Since I‘m going to hell. 爱德华:那个人不是,他只是看看。反正现在我打破所有规矩了,也许我要去地狱了。
- OUTSIDER/ A flashy, very creative color change handling that breaks all the rules! OUTSIDER /阿浮华,非常有创意的处理颜色的变化,打破所有规则!
- It's rude!It's raunchy!It's totally outrageous!Brendan Fraser goes bananas in this balls-out comedy that breaks all the rules. 一个情绪受压的动画大师,一只无赖好色的俏皮猴,一次意外造就离奇“上身”,一段现实与漫画世界的大兜乱!
- The mobster stormed in and broke all the glasses of the window. 歹徒横冲直撞闯了进来砸了窗上所有的玻璃。
- Filled with ghosts of Chinese ancestors, it broke all the rules, mixed dreams with reality, juggled identities freely, and put a firm foot across the cultural divide. 作品打破了一切常规,时见中国先祖阴魂出没,现实与梦境相映生辉,人物时空交错变幻,向跨越文化鸿沟迈出了坚实的一步。
- The force of the explosion broke all the windows in the building. 爆炸的力量震碎了这座建筑上的所有窗户。
- He knows all the rules which will NOT work. 所有行不通的法则大家都耳熟能详。
- This book embodies all the rules. 此书把所有的规则都编入了。
- You must obey all the rules and traffic signs. 你要遵守所有的交通规则和标志
- I thought it was easy to break all the pretence. 我以为要把所以的伪装都打碎是这么简单。
- She is conversant with all the rules. 她熟知所有的一切规则。
- I'm tired of being broke all the time. 总是一个子儿也没有真让我厌烦。
- I broke all the cups and plates under my enger. 气愤之下,我把所有的杯盘都摔到地上去了。