- Firing Set Maintenance Spares 发射设备维修备件
- Ensure that required maintenance spares are available. 确保需要的维护备件到位。
- The T171 bulldozer for the large-scale import folk recipe machinery, factor the and so on working strength, driving operation and spare part own life influence, its firing set breakdown is common. T171型推土机为大型进口土方机械,受工作强度、驾驶操作和零部件自身寿命等因素的影响,其起动装置故障较为常见。
- Refers to number of minibuses actually deployed in carrying passengers only, excluding maintenance spares. 22 只包括用作接客之车辆,不投入服务之后备车辆不计算在内。
- Is the tooling and machines maintained in good shape with evidence of a set maintenance plan? 是否模具和机器都有完善的维护计划并处于良好的工作状态?
- When the Jade Emperor saw the flame , he thought it was the fire set by the Magic Goose , so he became very happy . 玉皇大帝看到人间四处是火光,以为神鹅放火了,心里十分高兴。
- The Twin Cranes Study survived the 1860 fire set by the Anglo-French Joint Forces, but only to face destruction in 1900. 1860年圆明园罹劫时,双鹤斋一景是园内幸存的少量建筑之一,1900年彻底毁于战乱中。
- Varied spare parts are lined up using the multi-attributes group decision making method, then a related maintenance spare part selection scheme is settled under the multiple objective programming. 该方法首先按照多属性群决策方法对各种维修备件进行综合排序,然后再用多目标规划理论确定维修备件的选择方案。
- In order to form an idea of this struggle, it is necessary to imagine fire set to a throng of terrible courages, and then to gaze at the conflagration. 要对这次战斗有个概念,我们可以想象在一堆可怕的勇士身上点起火来,再来观看这场火灾。
- In the golden Autumn , the 29th session of world Olympic Games and the 13rd session of world deformed man Olympiad are in holding of Beijing flaring like fire set to dry tinder. 金秋时节,第29届世界奥林匹克运动会和第13届世界残疾人奥运会在北京如火如荼的举办着。
- maintenance spare parts inventory 维护备件库存
- The research results in which three maintenance policies are discussed in this dissertation can be a reference for setting maintenance policies to analogous system and product. 本文所讨论的三种维修策略之研究成果,亦可提供类似的系统和产品在订定维修策略时之参考。
- He set his house on fire before he took to flight. 他逃跑前,放火烧了自己的房子。
- His irresistible impulse to set fire to shoe shop. 他放火烧鞋店的不可抗拒的冲动。
- The sparks set fire to the oily rage. 火花使浸透油的破布燃烧起来了。
- As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, come down to make your name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake before you! 好像火烧乾柴,又像火将水烧开。使你敌人知道你的名,使列国在你面前发颤。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- Photos of the riots posted on the Internet showed fires set in debris-strewn school courtyards and glass smashed in administrative offices, shops, cars and a bank. 互联网上关于骚乱的照片显示:火在破乱的校园内被点燃;行政办公室、商店、汽车和一所银行的玻璃被砸碎。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- Application of Voltage Method in TV Set Maintenance and Exploration 电压法在电视机维修中的应用与探索