- He is hound out of his job by jealous rival. 他受到忌妒他的竞争者的算计而被迫离职。
- Finnish Hound 芬兰猎犬
- The room's sole occupants were the boy and a big hound. 这个房间里只住著一个男孩和一条大猎狗。
- The Finnish workers are paid by the hour. 芬兰的工资是按小时计酬的。
- Jack is an eager rock hound, and we have rocks all through our house. 杰克是一个石头迷,我们家里到处都是他收集的石头。
- I am/He is/They are hound to fail/lose. 我/他/他们注定要输。
- The hound will soon smell the criminal out. 警犬会很快嗅到罪犯的踪迹。
- One who speaks Finnish or a Finnic language. 讲芬兰语或其亲族语的人
- The hound found the place where the deer lodged. 猎狗找到了那头鹿躲藏过的地方。
- A troubled hound was baying the moon. 一条受惊不安的猎狗正在对月狂吠。
- The hound was quartering the woods. 这只猎犬在树林中四处搜寻猎物。
- Other teams followed in Finnish alphabetical order. 按照传统,希腊代表队打头阵,接下来各国家队按照芬兰语字母顺序依次入场。
- A Finnish man survived an attack by a beaver. 一名芬兰男子侥幸逃过一只海狸的攻击。
- They can speak Finnish . So can he . 他们能讲芬兰语。 他也能。
- The hare shot from its burrow and the hound made after it at top speed. 野兔从洞里闪出来,猎狗飞快地紧追不舍。
- We have Finnish sauna and foot washing. 我们提供芬兰式桑拿和足浴。
- The hound dogs treed the raccoon in 20 minutes. 猎犬在20分钟后把浣熊迫上了树(意译为:将演熊逗人了绝境)。
- A look at the Finnish version is shown in. 中显示了芬兰语版。
- The loudest hound in town bow-wowed at a mouse. 镇子上声音最大的猎狗在对着一只老鼠汪汪直叫。
- And would you like to sing in Finnish? 你会想唱芬兰文吗?