- Find and use a building block 查找并使用构建基块
- For client authors, it is obviously easier to find and use a set of related facilities if they are all in one place. 对客户端作者而言,如果例程全都是在一个地方,明显地能够比较容易地找到,并且很容易地运用一系列相关的工具。
- RSS, building and using a feed, step by step. 使用RSS,建立和使用饲料,一步一步来。
- Shows how to declare and use a static property. 说明如何声明和使用静态属性。
- In the next lesson, you will learn how to find and use sample code. 在下一课中,您将学习如何查找和使用示例代码。
- Do you have and use a dispatch list? 您是否使用发料单?
- Establish and use a set of keywords to flag unresolved issues. 建立并使用一套关键字来标记未确定的情况。
- A molded rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln until hard and used as a building and paving material. 砖块在太阳下或窑里烘烤变硬的模制长方形黏土砖,用作建房和铺路的材料
- Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,Minn.,are using a new imaging method that relies on vitamin B-12,and essential building block of life,to find cancer in the body. 明尼苏达州罗切斯特·马尤诊所的研究人员正在使用一种全新的方法。该方法依靠构成生命的基本组织维他命B-12来发现人体内的癌症。
- Another problem is how to find and use professionally trained people. 还有一个问题,发现和使用人才的问题。
- Wu is paralyzed from the waist down and uses a wheelchair. 吴淑珍从腰部以下瘫痪且须使用轮椅行动。
- Detective B-12. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., are using a new imaging method that relies on vitamin B-12, and essential building block of life, to find cancer in the body. B-12侦探明尼苏达州罗切斯特·马尤诊所的研究人员正在使用一种全新的方法。 该方法依靠构成生命的基本组织维他命B-12来发现人体内的癌症。
- Good. Give me a manicure and use a light nail vanish, please. 太好了。给我修一下指甲,再用浅色指甲油染一下。
- Human beings have the ability to learn and use a language. 人类有学会和使用语言的能力。
- This method will create and use a password to establish the trust. 此方法将创建和使用密码来建立信任。
- However, after we accumulate a large number of items that we need to find and use, it helps to be a bit more organized. 然而收集了我们需要使用和查找的更多条目之后,如果组织得更好,则更有帮助。
- Web Services are published, found and used through the Web. 网络服务是通过网页公布,寻找和使用的。
- You will now create and use a test program to test your component. 现在您将创建并使用测试程序来测试您的组件。
- Find and use quality information in making health care choices. Be sure the information comes from a reliable source. 查询和使用高品质的信息作出医疗选择。确保信息来自可靠资源。
- SSDS you can think of as a structured data store in the cloud(building block service), which is accessed using Internet protocols using a basic data manipulation language. 你可以认为SSDS是一个可以存储结构化数据的云(用以构建大型应用),你可以使用基本的数据操作语言通过互联网协议对它进行访问。