- Elaborate workingprogram, form and the content of financial supervisor from practice, aswell as exist in current stage financial supervisor system do not meet itssolution and the problem of market economic public financecountermeasure suggestion. 不可否认,我国在经济发展的过程中,财经秩序还存在一定的问题,财政资金使用效率还有待进一步提高。 而长期以来,我国财政监督体制为行政监督,即财政监督机构置于各级政府领导之下,隶属财政部门管理。
- The closed circuit supervisory system at main public areas; l. 主要公共区域有闭路电视监控系统;
- Supervisory system of a diabolo is added when children room wiring. 在儿童房布线时加一套响铃监控系统。
- This shows just how far a financial supervisor's purview now extends. 这也显示出现在这个金融监管者的管理范围能有多大的延伸。
- Financial supervisory system 村级
- Scene supervisory system and audio frequency retransmission system; e. 现场监控系统及视音频转播系统;
- Sixthly, a supervisory system of bankruptcy trustee should be set up. 我国可借鉴美国的规定由法律来规定破产管理人报酬的标准。
- The new financial supervisor intends to make full use of the company's idle capital. 这位新财务总监打算充分利用公司的闲置资金。
- Several Icelandic banks been put up for sale all at once and control ofthe third-largest bank has passed to the Financial Supervisory Authority. 冰岛的几家银行突然之间就沦落到挂牌拍卖的境地,而该国第三大银行的控制权已被冰岛金融监管局(FinancialSupervisoryAuthority)接手。
- The supervisory system which is important in real politics offers the hotbed for the abuse of common power. 监督制度在现实政治中的不完善为公共权力的滥用提供了温床。
- For example, Sean Chen, Chairman of Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission, recently expressed interest in working toward an agreement to liberalize cross-strait banking. 例如,陈忠雄主席,台湾金融监督管理委员会,最近表示有兴趣的工作达成共识,开放两岸银行业务。
- Application of the Temperature Measurement on Cable Head and Its Supervisory System in PanZhiHua Steel Inc. 电缆头温度测量与监视系统在攀钢的应用。
- Beyond the traders, a half-dozen financial supervisors worked. 交易员的那一头,有五、六名金融督察在办公。
- The design of implementing environmental status supervisory system by using DALLAS DS series new components and single bus is introduced. 介绍了利用DALLAS公司推出的DS系列新器件和单总线技术实现环境状态监控系统的设计。
- Embedded IP network multimedia supervisory system is implemented based on embedded and IP multicast technology. 基于嵌入式和IP多播技术 ,实现嵌入式IP网络多媒体监控系统。
- For the short of supervisory system, the swindle crimes on commercial instruments increased. 由于监管制度不全,利用票据进行诈编的犯罪也日益增多。
- This article is devoted to the computed supervisory system for fire detection and ex-tinction. 本文介绍一种智能型火灾探测、扑救与应急管理系统。
- Dubai, for example, has spent billions of dollars setting up the legal and supervisory systems to underpin its new financial centre. 就拿迪拜来说,它已经花了数十亿的美元来建立它的法律和监管体系,以此巩固它金融中心的地位。
- After Yuan Shikai took the power, this system was destroyed.A new autocratic supervisory system was set up. 袁世凯夺取民国政权后,破坏了议会监察制度,重新建立了一套具有专制性质的监察体系。
- On-board diagnosis system is the vital supervisory system for the safe operation of Medium-low Speed maglev vehicles. 车载诊断系统是保证中低速磁浮列车安全运行的重要监控系统。