- Financial Management Studies 财务管理学
- She is taking a diploma in management studies. 她在攻读管理学文凭课程。
- Financial Management and Tax Planning? 四、财务管理及税务策划?
- On Strengthening Financial Management of Group Co. 论加强集团公司的财务管理。
- The Study On Risk-Based Financial Management II. 风险基础财务管理研究2。
- May we talk about financial management now? 我们现在可以谈一谈有关财务管理方面的事情吗?
- I realize the importance of financial management. 我已意识到财务管理的重要性。
- Surely all management studies should be critical in a sense. 当然,所有管理学在一定程度上是批判的。
- Think on Production and Development of Financial Management Study under Informational Conditions 信息化条件下财务治理研究产生与发展的思考
- After distilling a number of management studies, Khurana concluded that the CEO has only a “small, contingent or tenuous impact” on financial results. 库拉纳从数个管理研究个案中萃取精华后得到的结论是,执行官对公司的财务状况只有“微小、有条件或薄弱的影响力。”
- Creating Value Through World Class Financial Management. 世界级财务管理创造价值。
- Use financial management tools well, and introduce modern concepts. 善用理财工具,引入现代信念。
- In running a company, strict financial management means everything. 经营一家公司,严格的财务管理至关重要。
- Financial management is key in any company or enterprise. 在任何公司和企业单位中财务管理是关键。
- S. degree in financial management from Clemson University. S.;在财务管理的程度由克莱姆森大学。
- This international firm has a sound system of financial management. 这个国际公司的财务管理系统非常完备。
- My assignment of strategy Financial Management is due today. 我的转让的战略财务管理,是今天上交。
- In early management studies, encouragement was not seen as afunction of management. 在最早的管理学中并没有把激励当成管理的一项职能。
- Traditional earnings management studies focus on the accrual manipulation and neglect real activities manipulation. 摘要传统的盈余管理研究侧重于应计项目操控,而忽视真实活动操控。
- The authors of this book trawl the furthest reaches of psychology, management studies, biology and physics to show why a bit of disorder is good for you. 本书作者最大程度地探究了心理学、管理学、生物学及物理学以说明为何稍许凌乱对人们有益。